Tras Ykame Oranynyn Portland Çimentosunun Fiziksel Ve Mekanik Özelliklerine Etkisi

Mineral katkylar günümüzde çimento ya da betonun fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerinin iyile?tirilmesi gibi avantajlary nedeniyle geni? bir kullanym alany bulmaktadyr. Bu katkylardan biri de trastyr. Bu çaly?mada trasyn, çimentoda (PÇ 42,5 R) basynç dayanymyna, priz süresine, su ihtiyacyna ve hacim genle?mesine etkileri ara?tyrylmy?tyr. Bu amaçla tras, a?yrlykça %0, %10, %15, %20 %25 ve %30 oranlarynda Portland çimentosu yerine ikame edilmi?tir. Sonuç olarak, tras ikameli çimento hamurlarynyn su ihtiyacy ve priz ba?lama süresinde, Portland çimentosu hamuruna göre nispeten bir arty? belirlenmi?tir. Portland çimentosu harçlaryna göre 2, 7 ve 28 günlük basynç dayanymlarynda bir azalma olmu?tur. Ancak bu azalmaya ra?men %10 ve %15 oranlaryndaki tras ikameli çimento harçlarynyn basynç dayanymlarynyn standart de?erler arasynda oldu?u belirlenmi?tir.

The Effect of Trass Replaced Ratio on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement

Nowadays mineral additives due to the advantages such as improving the physical and mechanical properties of cement or concrete a wide field of use are found. One of the waste materials is trass. In this study the effects of trass, to compressive strength, setting time water demand and volume expansion of the cement (OPC 42.5 R) were investigated. For this purpose, fly ash was added as a replacement for Portland cement in amounts of 0, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 weight %. As a result, setting time and water demand of the fly ash replaced cement pastes were determined a relatively increase according to Portland cement pastes. 2, 7 and 28 days compressive strengths has been decrease compared to the Portland cement. Despite this decrease, however, 10% and 15% of the trass replaced cement mortar compressive strength was determined to be between the standard values.