Occupational health and safety risk factors can have direct or indirect effects on levels of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and the job productivity of workers in service companies as well as other types of industries. In this paper, the effects of physical, biological, chemical and socio-psychological risk factors, related to occupational safety and health, encountered in hotel enterprises on job satisfaction were investigated. Questionnaire survey was conducted as a data collection tool to determine the levels of job satisfaction and opinions of the workers related to occupational health and safety risk factors in five-star hotel enterprises. The questionnaire consists of three parts: (1) Questions to determine some characteristics of hotel company and hotel workers, (2) Levels of risk related to occupational health and safety in hotel business (3) Questions to point out the workers‟ level of job satisfaction. Part two and part three of questionnaire consist of five Likert-type questions. Job satisfaction was measured using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). Hotel workers were asked to complete a questionnaire-form developed were implemented in February 2009. The study population included 204 employees from eight five-star hotels in the İstanbul Region. Statements about workers‟ level of job satisfaction and levels of risk related to occupational health and safety in hotel enterprises were described by calculating the frequency and percentage distribution, the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. On the other hand, relationship between workers‟ level of job satisfaction and levels of risk related to occupational health and safety were determined by correlation and regression analysis. In addition, if participants‟ opinions on workers‟ job satisfaction and risks related to occupational health and safety show a statistically significant difference by demographic characteristics were analyzed by t-test and variance analysis. According to the analysis stated above it is expected that as long as the risk level on the occupational health and security increase the satisfaction level of the employees will accordingly decrease


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