Terör Tipolojileri Üzerine Bir Literatür Taraması

Anahtar Kelimeler:


A Literature Scanning on the Terror Typologies

The literature on religion and violence, or terror was already substantial before the September 11 attacks, and it has swelled at an increased pace since then. I have not seen abundant evidence, however, that the serious reflections on violence expressed in these books has made a noticeable impact on the shape of higher education, on news media reporting, or on the thinking of government officials around the world. This bibliography provides information sources about terrorism, terrorist groups and the terror typologies. It is not comprehensive and only a starting point, since the situation is changing daily. Many of the books could have legitimately been listed in more than one of the subsections below, which highlights the somewhat articificial nature of the categories I have set up. I appended to each subsection below subject headings that will enable the reader to explore the topic further as well