Alioğullarının Siyasal İktidar İstencinde - Abbasiler Dönemi - İlk Mücadelesi Muhammed en-Nefsu’z-Zekiyye’nin İsyanı

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Alioğulları’s Request of the Political Power, The First Struggle in Abbasid Period

Alids, who occasionally try to capture the power after the assassination of Ali by a Kharijit in Ramadan 40/ January 661, have not attempted such a rebellion for a long time after the murder of Husayn b. Ali. During this silence period without any Alid uprisings. Alids have played an active role in the preparation of the Abhasid Revolution which started around 100/718 under the ruling of Muhammed b. Ali Having believed that the Abbasid Revolution, emerged with the slogan of“er-rıda min al-i Muhammed" including also the Alids, shall give the power to them. Alids get disappointed upon the Abbasid government which completely disregards them in the administration of the Islamic state. This frustration provokes the efforts of Adds in the establishment of their own political power by destroying the Abbasid regime. In this article, we will analyze the first of the Add rebellions occurred in this content, namely the uprising of Muhammed en— Nefsu'z-Zekiyye