Bu tarama, merkezi figürleri, teorik modelleri, konuları ve Din Psikolojisi alanını hareketlendiren temaları detaylandıracaktır. Alanın tarihi üç döneme ayrılabilir: 1. Avrupalı ve Kuzey Amerikalı yazarların katkılarının ele alındığı 1880'den II. Dünya Savaşına kadar olan dönem; 2. Ego psikolojisi, analitik psikoloji, hümanist, fenomenolojik ve varoluşçu psikoloji, deneysel ve davranışsal çalışmalar ve pastorel psikolojinin ele alındığı 1960'ların Savaş Sonrası Dönemi ve 3. Nesne ilişkileri teorisi, transpersonel psikoloji, deneysel ve davranışsal çalışmalar, uygulamalı teoloji, psikoloji-karşılaştırmalı diyalog, Din Psikolojisi ve kültür çalışmaları 1970'den 2005'e kadar olan dönem.

Psychology: Psychology of Religion

This survey will detail the central figures, theoretical models, issues, and themes that have animated the field of the psychology of religion. The history of the field can be divided into three periods: 1. 1880 to World War II that discussed the contributions of European and North American authors; 2. the postwar period through the 1960s that discussed ego psychology, analytic psychology, humanistic, phenomenological, and existential psychology, empirical and behavioral studies, and pastoral psychology; and 3. 1970 to 2005 that discussed objectrelations theory, transpersonal psychology, empirical and behavioral studies, practical theology, the psychology-comparativist dialogue, and psychology of religion and culture studies.


  • Aşağıdaki kaynakça iki bölüme ayrılmıştır: 1. Genel Bölüm: ders kitapları, dipnotlu kaynakçalar ve diğer alanın genel bir taramasını listeler; 2. Özel Bölüm: bireysel yazarla rın kaleme aldığı çalışmaları ve alandaki merkezi tartışmaları katalog halinde sunar.
  • Genel Bölüm
  • Argyle, Michael. Psychology and Religion: An Introduction. New York, 2000.
  • Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin. "Psychology and Religion: 1880-1930: The Rise and Fall of a
  • Psychological Movement." Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 10
  • (1974): 84-90.
  • ________, Psychoanalytic Studies of Religion: A Critical Assessment and Annotated Bibliog raphy. Westport, Conn., 1996.
  • Capps, Donald, Lewis Rambo, and Paul Ransohoff. Psychology of Religion: A Guide to Information Sources. Detroit, Mich., 1976.
  • Crapps, Robert W. An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion. Macon, Ga., 1986.
  • Dyer, Donald R. Cross-Currents of Jungian Thought: An Annotated Bibliography. Boston, 1991.
  • Fuller, Andrew R. Psychology and Religion: Eight Points of View. Lanham, Md., 1994.
  • Hood, Ralph W., Jr.; Bernard Spilka; Bruce Hunsberger; and Richard L. Gorsuch, eds., The Psychology of Religion: An Empirical Approach. New York, 1996.
  • Jonte-Pace, Diane, and William B. Parsons, eds. Religion and Psychology: Mapping the Terrain. New York, 2001. A selection of essays summarizing recent dialogical trends, including the intersection of psychology, religion, and gender studies; the psychology-comparativist dialogue; the dialogue between theology and psychology; and psychology "as" religion.
  • Murphy, Michael, and Steven Donovan. The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation: A Review of Contemporary Research with a Comprehensive Bibliography, 1931-1996. 2d ed. Sausalito, Calif., 1997.
  • Spilka, Bernard, and Daniel M. McIntosh, eds. The Psychology of Religion: Theoretical Approaches. Boulder, Colo., 1997.
  • Wulff, David. The Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary. 2d ed. New York, 1997. The most complete and definitive survey of the field.
  • Özel Bölüm
  • Allport, Gordon. The Individual and His Religion. New York, 1950.
  • Barnard, G. William. Exploring Unseen Worlds. Albany, N.Y., 1997. A constructive analysis of the views of William James.
  • ________, "Diving into the Depths: Reflections on Psychology as a Religion." In Religion and Psychology: Mapping the Terrain, edited by Diane Jonte-Pace and William B. Parsons, pp. 297-318. New York, 2001.
  • Browning, Don. Religious Thought and the Modern Psychologies. Philadelphia, 1987. Bucke, R.C. Cosmic Consciousness. Philadelphia, 1901.
  • Campbell, Joseph. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Princeton, N.J., 1949.
  • Carroll, Michael. The Cult of the Virgin Mary. Princeton, N.J., 1986.
  • Clarke, J. J. Jung and Eastern Thought. London, 1994.
  • Eliade, Mircea. Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries. New York, 1960.
  • Engler, Jack. Transformations of Consciousness. Boston, 1986.
  • Erikson, Erik. Young Man Luther. New York, 1958.
  • ________, Gandhi's Truth: On the Origins of Militant Nonviolence. New York, 1969.
  • Ferrer, Jorge. Revisioning Transpersonal Theory. Albany, N.Y., 2002.
  • Fingarrette, Herbert. The Self in Transformation. New York, 1965.
  • Fowler, James. Stages of Faith. New York, 1981.
  • Frankl, Victor. Man's Search for Meaning. New York, 1962.
  • Freud, Sigmund. Totem and Taboo. New York, 1913.
  • ________, Future of an Illusion. New York, 1927.
  • Fromm, Erich. Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis. New York, 1960.
  • Gomez, Luis. Curators of the Buddha. Chicago, 1995.
  • Hall, G. Stanley. Jesus, the Christ, in the Light of Psychology. Garden City, N.Y., 1917.
  • Heisig, James W. Imago Dei: A Study of C. G. Jung's Psychology of Religion. Lewisburg, Pa., 1979.
  • Homans, Peter. The Dialogue between Theology and Psychology. Chicago, 1968.
  • ________, Jung in Context. Chicago, 1979.
  • ________, The Ability to Mourn. Chicago, 1989.
  • James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience. New York, 1902.
  • Jones, James. Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Religion. New Haven, Conn., 1991.
  • Jonte-Pace, Diane. "Analysts, Critics, and Inclusivists: Feminist Voices in the Psychology of Religion." In Religion and Psychology: Mapping the Terrain, edited by Diane Jonte-Pace and William B. Parsons, pp. 129-146. New York, 2001.
  • Jonte-Pace, Diane. Speaking the Unspeakable: Religion, Misogyny, and the Uncanny Mother in Freud's Cultural Texts. Berkeley, Calif., 2002.
  • Jung, Carl. Answer to Job. London, 1952.
  • Kakar, Sudhir. The Inner World. Delhi and New York, 1981.
  • ________, The Analyst and the Mystic. Chicago, 1991.
  • Kripal, Jeffrey J. Kali's Child: The Mystical and the Erotic in the Life and Teachings of Ramakrishna. Chicago, 1995.
  • Kripal, Jeffrey J., and T. G. Vaidyanathan. Vishnu on Freud's Desk: A Reader in Psychoanalysis and Hinduism. Delhi, 1999.
  • Leuba, James. The Psychology of Religious Mysticism. London and New York, 1925.
  • Maslow, Abraham. Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences. New York, 1964.
  • McDargh, John. Psychoanalytic Object-Relations Theory and the Study of Religion: On Faith and the Imaging of God. Lanham, Md., 1983.
  • Molino, Anthony, ed. The Couch and the Tree: Dialogues in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism. New York, 1998.
  • Newberg, Andrew, Eugene D'Aquili, and Vince Rause. Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief. New York, 2001.
  • Obeysekere, Gananath. Medusa's Hair. Chicago, 1981.
  • ________, The Work of Culture: Symbolic Transformation in Psychoanalysis and Anthropology. Chicago, 1990.
  • Ornstein, Robert. The Psychology of Consciousness. New York, 1986. A classic work utilizing bihemispheric studies to analyze religious phenomena.
  • Parsons, William B. The Enigma of the Oceanic Feeling: Revisioning the Psychoanalytic Theory of Mysticism. New York, 1999.
  • Peck, M. Scott. The Road Less Traveled. New York, 1978.
  • Rieff, Philip. The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith After Freud. New York, 1966.
  • ________, Freud: The Mind of the Moralist. Chicago, 1979. A substantial and still useful study of Freud's psychology of religion.
  • Rizzuto, Ana-Maria. The Birth of the Living God. Chicago, 1979.
  • Rubin, Jeffrey. Psychotherapy and Buddhism. New York, 1996.
  • Starbuck, E. D. The Psychology of Religion. London, 1899. Stein, Murray. Jung's Treatment of Christianity. Wilmette, III., 1986.
  • Tillich, Paul. The Courage to Be. New Haven, Conn., 1952.
  • ________, The Meaning of Health. Chicago, 1984.
  • Vitz, Paul C. Psychology as Religion: The Cult of Self-Worship. 2d ed. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1991.
  • Zock, Heddy. A Psychology of Ultimate Concern: Erik H. Erikson's Contribution to the Psychology of Religion. Amsterdam, 1990.