In this
research, school engagement of students with different religious beliefs and the
mediating effect of some values on this engagement were studied. Data was
gathered from junior and senior students of two Anatolian high schools on the
Asian side and two Anatolian high schools on the European side in İstanbul. In
total, data was gathered from 432 students. School Engagement Scale,
Religiosity Scale and Values Scale were used in this study. It was found that
four types of religious beliefs differ in terms of school engagement: There is
a meaningful and positive correlation between Sunni Islam, Fundamentalism
(Radical Islamic belief) and school (community) engagement. There is a meaningful and negative
correlation between atheism and school engagement. There is no meaningful
correlation between heterodox religiosity and school engagement.
Furthermore, a strong relationship
was determined between all sub-dimensions of school engagement and tradition
and universality values. Also, only tradition value was found to have a
mediating effect on the relationship between having Sunni Islamic belief, radical
Islamic belief, atheism and the dimensions of school engagement. As a result, tradition
and universality values and Sunni Islamic belief were determined to be influential
in school engagement of high school students and their socialization for
Turkish Education System. Tradition value was observed to be more influential
compared to others.
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