Gotik Romanda Aydınlanma Karşıtlığı

Aydınlanma Avrupa tarihinde özellikle on sekizinci yüzyıla damgasını vurmuş felsefi bir akımdır. Aklın kullanımını ve böylece önceden kabul edilmiş öğreti ve gelenekleri gözden geçirmeyi amaçlamış olan Aydınlanma hareketi, ön yargılarla ve doğaüstü olanla mücadele etmiştir. İnsanı merkez alan ve onun mutluluğunu hedefleyen Aydınlanma hareketi, özgürlüğe ve hukukun üstünlüğüne vurgu yapmıştır. Bununla birlikte, Aydınlanma’nın kuramda öngördükleriyle uygulama çelişmiştir. On sekizinci yüzyılın özellikle son çeyreğinde ortaya çıkmış olan Gotik romanlar, Aydınlanma hareketinin ürünü olan moderniteye karşı çıkmışlar ve onun yol açtığı tehlikelere dikkat çekmek istemişlerdir. Bu nedenle Gotik romanlar Aydınlanma karşıtı bir tutum benimsemişler ve Aydınlanma hareketinin eleştirisini yapmışlardır.

Anti-Enlightenment Attitude in Gothic Novels

The Enlightenment is a philosophical movement which made its effects felt in the 18th century in Europe. Aiming to use reason and thus scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions, the Enlightenment struggled against prejudices and the supernatural. The movement, which put human at its centre and targeted his/her happiness, emphasized freedom and superiority of law. Nevertheless, the theoretical concerns of the Enlightenment contradicted the practice. Gothic novels, which appeared especially in the last quarter of the 18th century, rejected modernity, the production of the Enlightenment, and made efforts to draw people’s attention to the dangers involved in it. Therefore, these novels adopted an anti-Enlightenment attitude and criticised the movement.


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  • BHALLA, Alok. (1991), The Cartographers of Hell: Essays on the Gothic Novel and the Social History of England, Sterling Publishers, India
  • CASCARDI, J. Anthony. (1999), Consequences of Enlightenment, Cambridge University Press
  • CUDDON, J.A., (1992), The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, 3rd edition, Penguin Books
  • EDELMAN, Gerald, (2004), Enlightenment and the Intellectual Foundations of Modern Culture, Yale University Press
  • FITZPATRICK, Martin, Peter Jones, Christa Knelwolf, Iain Mccalman, (2004), The Enlightenment World, Routledge
  • FOUCAULT, Michel, (1984), The Foucault Reader, ed. by Paul Rabinow, Pantheon Books
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  • GERAS, Norman, Robert Wokler, (1999), Enlightenment and Modernity, Palgrave Publishers
  • HOGG, James, (2000), The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, Project Gutenberg
  • KANT, Immanuel, (2004), The Critique of Practical Reason, Project Gutenberg
  • KANT, Immanuel, ( 2007), The Critique of Pure Reason, Project Gutenberg
  • LEWIS, Matthew Gregory, (1996), The Monk, Project Gutenberg
  • LOCKE, John, (2004), An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Vol. 1, Project Gutenberg McHOUL, Alec & Wendy Grace, (1995), A Foucault Primer, Discourse, Power and the Subject, UCL Press, London
  • RADCLIFFE, Ann, (2002), The Mysteries of Udolpho, Project Gutenberg
  • SHELLEY, Mary, (2005), Frankenstein, Project Gutenberg
  • THOMSON Douglas H., Jack G. Voller, Frederick S. Frank, (2002), Gothic Writers: A Critical and Bibliographical Guide, Greenwood Press
  • THRALL William Flint & Addison Hibbart, (1961), A Handbook to Literature, revised and enlarged, by C. Hugh Holman, THE ODYSSEY PRESS. New York
  • URGAN, Mina, (2004), İngiliz Edebiyatı Tarihi, YKY Yay., İstanbul
  • WATT, James, (1999), Contesting the Gothic: Fiction, Genre, and Cultural Conflict, 1764-1832, Cambridge University Press İnternet Kaynakları:, 20.01.2008, 16:30