Modeling of Inverse Kinematic Analysis of Open-Source Medical Assist Robot Arm by Python

Modeling of Inverse Kinematic Analysis of Open-Source Medical Assist Robot Arm by Python

Today, the epidemic diseases such as COVID-19 spreads very fast in the globalizing world and lethaleffects on human health have had a noticeable effect on the health sector. For this situations, variousdisciplines have had different studies to minimize the effects of the epidemic. In such cases, it is aseparate requirement that the use of the opportunities brought by technology. In this study, the kinematicanalysis of the open-source robot arm was especially examined in terms of reducing the workload ofindividuals working in the healthcare sector. The open-source robot arm is articulated and has 5 degreesof freedom. The kinematic analysis is very important for determination of the working space of therobotic systems. The inverse kinematic analysis was done with Python programming language and thecontrol module was developed to check the analysis. The control module shows the angle valuesdepending on the joints of the robot arm. It is also shown the Px, Py, and Pz positions obtained dependingon the position of the end effector in 3D space. On the other hand, Euler angle values are also specified,which are based on the position of the last position taken by the joints of the robot arm in the 3D space. Inthe study, the geometric approach method was used that is still popular in the inverse kinematic analysis.It is hoped that this study will inspire the development and use of professional and industrial kinds of theopen-source robot arm.


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