Giritli mason Meletios Metaksakis, 1922 yılı Şubat’ında Venizelos ve taraftarlarının


The Cretan mason Meletios Metaxakis sitted to Patriarchate throne with support ofVenizelos and his supporters in February, 1922. He has demonstrated behaviors that supportthe desires of the Helens, but he changed his attitudes with the Mudanya Armistice. Meletioswas panicked and he sent to Lausanne, Patriarchate representatives to advise the Greekdelegation also asked from Orthodox states to support the Patriatchate during the peace negotiations. After the thesis of the Turkish delegate at Laussane to take the Patriarchate outof Turkey, the future of the Patriarchate has been discussed in details by the Fener society.The position of the Meletios get worse after the declaration of the Greek Government, that theresignation of him can be accepted with the condition of remain the Patriarchate in Istanbuland for the improvement of the Turkish-Greek relations. Meletios has said his opinion thatthe Patriarchate can be moved to Greece and for this he pointed the city Thessaloniki. At thebegining he resisted the suggestios about his resignation, but he forced to resign after the sameopinion of Venizelos. At the article the attitude of Maletios has been examined according toGreek sources during the Lausanne Peace negotiations.


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