Tell Minar ve Giremira, Nusaybin Bölgesi'nde Yer Alan İki Ninive 5 Merkezi

Kuzey Mezopotamya (Irak'ın kuzeyindeki Dohuk, Musul, Erbil, Kerkük, Süleymaniye ve Diyala bölgeleri) ve Kuzeydoğu Suriye (Yukarı ve kısmen de Orta Habur bölgeleri) bölgelerinin, M.Ö. 3. bindeki en problemli konularından birini oluşturan Ninive 5 kültürü; bezemesiz, boya bezemeli ya da çizi-oyma bezemeli olarak karşımıza çıkan seramik grupları ile tanınmaktadır. Ninive 5 terimi, söz konusu seramik türünü ifade ettiği gibi, ele geçtiği dönemi ve ilgili malzemeyi üreten kültürü tanımlayan bir anlam da taşımaktadır.

Tell Minar and Giremira, Two Ninevite 5 Sites in Nusaybin Region

Ninevite 5 culture composes one of the most 3rd millennium B.C. phases of North Mesopotamia Norteastern Syria regions. This culture, which is represented in Southeastern Anatolia region, has been identified by plain, painted and incised and excised ware groups. The term of "Ninevite 5" is used as to define the type of the pottery, the period in which the pottery is collected and the culture producing the material in question. Girnavaz, which is located in the Nusaybin county of the province of Mardin, is the only site in which is excavations have been carried out within the Ninevite 5 settlements in the region. The limited survey researches carried out during Girnavaz excavations have identified more Ninevite 5 settlements in the region. The settlements lined to east of Girnavaz are Kertvin, Tell Minar and Giremira. The incised and excised decorated pottery sherds encountered among the Ninevite 5 materials collected from Tell Minar and Giremira, which constitute the subject matter of this work, stand as an important criterion for dating issue. Painted and Early Incised period existence in Giremira may be subject of concern when Ninevite 5 culture is evaluated according to its own iternal chronology. However, there is no supporting evidence found in these two settlements in respect to the Incised and Excised period. The presence of Late Excised period is quite clear in Tell Minar and Giremira. Post Ninevite 5 period existence is most probable in this sites.


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  • ISSN: 0041-4255
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 3 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 1937
  • Yayıncı: Türk Tarih Kurumu
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