1919'da Ayvalık Savunması İle İlgili Anılar

Bu anılar, 1919 yılında Balıkesir Mutasarrıfı olan babam Ahmet Hilmi (Ergeneli) tarafından yazılmış olup 15 Mayıs 1919'da İzmir'in Yunanlılar tarafından işgalinden sonra Balıkesir Müstakil Mutasarrıflığına bağlı bir kaymakamlık olan Ayvalık'ın da işgal edilmek istenmesi üzerine yapılan savunma ve kurulan Kuvvayı Milliye teşkilatı ile ilgilidir.

Mustafa Kemal's Instructions (An Intercepted and Decyphered Telegram) to Bekir Sami in London-a Reassessment of the London Conference (21 February - 12 March 1921) and its Immediate Consequences

When the Greek army failed to capture Eskishehir and had to beat a retreat before the defences of İnönü in early January 1921, armed conflict gave its way to diplomacy for a while. The initiative came from the Allies, who having met in Paris on 25 January, adopted the suggestion of Count Sforza, the Italian Foreign Minister. Accordingly a conference was called in London between the Allies and the representatives of Greek and Turkish (Istanbul and Ankara) governments. The invitation underlined that the basis of talks should be the Treaty of Sevres, but subject to modifications as might have been necessitated by the passage of events.