Latest status of hydropower plants in Turkey: Technical, environmental policy and environmental law from the perspective of the evaluation

Hydropower plants (HPP) works only with water. Water; vaporized in the pres- ence of sunlight back to earth as rain come again in favorable weather conditions. Here, the water formed in this way is transmitted to the user by depositing After precipitation and flow. This state is one of the most reliable and sustainable energy sources and hydroelectric power plants. But hydropower is also very tight to the fact that the area in which the water cycle as a renewable energy source that is very strictly linked to the global as well as climate change have in some minds. All disciplines interested in this direction with respect to these facilities (all engi- neering departments, politics and economics and administrative sciences etc.) by drawing lots. In this study, starting from the feasibility stage HEPP construction and operation stages as a whole and in detail. HPP construction of environmental regulations in this area are discussed taking into account the environmental ethics and environmental policy.


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