İbn Ebî Dâvud’un Kitâbu’l-Mesâhif İsimli Eseri Çerçevesinde Mushaf’ın Form Değişikliğinin Panoraması

Meşhur muhaddis ve Sünen isimli hadis eserinin sahibi Ebû Davud’un oğlu

Panorama of Changing Mushaf’s Form Within The Framework of Ibn Ebî Dâvûd’s Book Named Kitâb Al-Masâhif

 Ibn Ebî Dâvûd (d. 316/929) is son’s Ebû Davud who famous scholar andown book’s named Sunen. İbn Ebî Dâvûd’s most important work that bringingto world of knowledge is his studying called Kitâb Al-Masâhif. In this work haddiscussed process of mushaf, ikhtilaf of its pronunciation and punctuation marksetc. topics in the presence of narratives. In the period of Prophet Muhammed(sav) the Quran has not being as a book that we have presently because ofcontinuance of revelation and fail to satisfy stationery. In later periods by forceof circumstances the Qoran had collected in the Mushaf and replicated. Ibn EbîDâvûd put emphasis on his work at form structure of Mushaf with narrationsand historical informations in the first three centuries (hijrî). I think the workoccupies an important place in terms of handling chronological formationand progress’s stages of Mushaf and its projection to envision’s Quran. I willtry to investigate narrations and historical information related to mushaf as apanoramic with centering the book named Kitâb Al-Masâhif.


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