The Human skeletal remains From Beyköy (Afyon, Anatolia)

Öz In I9T9-^1. ıhc French Scientific Research Cenlcr fınancod ıhc surxe}.’ in a tocalit>' callcd Beyköy Miıhin ıhe i.uB.provinec of Ihsnniye, 40 km. nofih of Afyon pro\incc. Duıin^! I*hi aviscily. Dr. H.Gonnet had opened tbe grase which shs encountcrcd in thai tegion uith ıhe permission of General Direetoeste of Muscum^. The collcciod Ucek- tom from thb sent for my sa* (i$u.h in this conneetion I wi»lı lo cKpress my thanks to Dr. H. Gonrsei for eniruMing ıhe devrip- (ton of (liette jJıeİeions uiıh nıc. Two skektal renuin» recovercd from a c*goram\en>on of iwehc *rgoxcai^es arc daled as of Lale Roman or hurly Byrantine Period. V(. ceniurKs A. D. hy Dr H. Gonnet.


  • Ankara Üniversitesi – Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Antropoloji Dergisi