Kur'an-ı Kerim'de Hz. Peygamber'e Hitaplar (II)

Addresse to the Prophet in the Qur'an

The Qur'an is the last phase of divine revelation which goes back to the prophet Adem. lt is the only way of salvation not only for Muslims, but also for the whole hıımanity. However, at the begiııning, the Qur'an was not received with due respeet by the local people of Mecca who wanted to continue their pagan tradition. They resisted to the divine revelation. Furthermore, they tortured the prophet, who was responsible for dissemination of the revelation, and his companions. In such a difficult historical progress, Allah the Almighty, in some of his revelation, directed the address to the prophet (p.b.u.h.) and Muslims. Naturally, not all the adelresses of Gad were results of this arduous progress. Some of them were revealed as a consequence of some human activities of the prophet. Therefore, the contents and the messages of qur'anic addresses differ depending on the historical circumstances. The qur'anic addresses iııdicate absolute divine supervision on the prophet. We examined, in our previous artiele with the same title, three qur'anic addresses, i.e. emir (order), ikaz (waming/caution) and teselli (consolation/ relieve). In this second artiele, we will study the following qur'anic addresses: Hatırlatma (to remind), tavsiye (advice/ recommendation) and bilgilendirme (to inform).


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