Klasik Bir Kelam Problemi Olarak Rızık Kavramının Tanımları ve Bu Tanımların İçerdiği Problemler

The Definition of the Conception Ruıq and Problems it Contains as a Classlcal Problem of Kalam

Problem ofKalam.In this artiele, we aimed ro deal with the definitions of conception nzq asa classical Muslim theologiansMuslim theologians defines nzq in different ways. The forms and the words they used in the sedefinitions give elues of their main ideas on the issue. Morever, different definitions which belongto the theologians who are related to the same school point, different viwes within those schools.For the se reason, analysing definitions is important from the view of scientific approach. In thiscontext, the extent of rızq, whether the things obtained by unjust ways and haram (unlawful)from a religious point of view can be considered as rızq or not wilI be discussed