İnsan Haklarına Saygının Yükseltilmesinde İslami Teolojinin Rolü

Effect of Islam in ıncreasingprivately created and honored by divinity will. l1tis approach donates to human being senses of dignity andhonor. Koran specifies that man is free and responsible emity, and inf1uences developmentof perception ofego, consciousnessof liberty, concepts of values and human existence. A1s0, Islam predic'tS to respeet tohuman's existemial totality. Besides, Islam, forbids to aet in God's name, tryto aet orthink ikebe under guardianship or to put somebody under tutelage and guides to behave rcspeetfully to human righlSwith method of considerations with morality conceplS, introspeetion, empathyand