The contribution of plastinates to teaching complex anatomy of the heart

The contribution of plastinates to teaching complex anatomy of the heart

Objectives: The use of plastination can minimize health risks and cost in anatomy laboratories. Plastinates are easy to han- dle and can facilitate the learning of complex anatomical structures. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the contribution of plastinates to teaching complex anatomy of the heart. Methods: Standard S10 technique was used for heart plastination by fixation, dehydration, impregnation and curing stages. Ninety volunteer first-year medicine students at Akdeniz University, who did not take cardiovascular system anatomy lectures yet, were included. Formalin-fixed heart specimens were used in the lecture of group 1; both formalin-fixed heart specimens and heart plastinates were used in the lecture of group 2. After the lecture, a 10-question exam was administered. Statistical significance between the scores of the two groups was tested with one sample t-test, and post hoc Tukey test was used for multiple comparisons. Results: The pre-test scores of the groups were compared with the scores obtained after the 2 hours of lecture (p=0.002, p


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