Bu çalışma ameliyathane faaliyetlerinin, bunları kullanan cerrahi servisler arasında nasıl dengeli dağıtılabileceğine ilişkin en uygun (optimal) çözümler bulmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, karışık tamsayılı programlama yöntemi kullanılarak bir sayısal model geliştirilmiştir. Bu modelin amaç fonksiyonu hazırlık maliyetlerini minimize ederek, model verisinde yer alan ameliyathanelerin, cerrahi servislere haftalık olarak dengeli dağıtımını yapmaktadır. Modelin senaryolar geliştirilerek varılan sonuçları, mevcut kullanım şartlarına göre, ameliyathanelerin kullanımının daha dengeli dağılımını yapmakta, daha az hazırlık maliyetli ve daha esnek kullanım olanaklarını ortaya koymaktadır.


This study aims to find an optimal solution to the balanced distribution of surgical services to operating rooms. For that matter, a mixed integer programming model is developed. The objective function of the model aims to minimize setup costs and provides a weekly balanced distribution of operating rooms to surgical services. Operating-room-allocation is expected to create bottlenecks in cases of emergencies. In order to exhibit the effects of emergencies and the changes in operating room assignments, some scenarios have been developed and the model is solved for all these cases. The results have revealed that the current allocation of the operating rooms to the surgeries takes time and brings about setup costs to overcome the emergencies. When some of the surgical services are allowed to use at least one of the operating rooms freely, it is observed that the costs are reduced. The usage of all operating rooms without any constraining allocations by the surgical services, makes the total setup cost zero. However, in this case, there occur operating-room-renewing costs which are not explicitly included into the model. The actual data about the allocation of the operating rooms are obtained from a public hospital. The results show that the alternative scenarios exhibit more balanced operation distributions and a flexible operating room usage with less time and setup costs.


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