Effects of Roller Skiing and Running Exercises at the Same Intensities on Fat and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Cross Country Skiers

Bu çalışmanın amacı, submaximal şiddette yapılan tekerlekli kayak ve koşu egzersizlerinin Kayaklı koşucuların enerji harcaması, MET, yağ ve karbonhidrat metabolizması üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Bu çalışmaya 4 bayan (163.0 ± 6.71cm, 57.50 ± 5.97kg, 17.25 ± 2.18 yıl) ve 6 erkek (171.33 ± 4.61 cm, 55.16 ±8.23kg, 16.50 ±1.56 yıl) kayaklı koşucu katılmıştır.  Araştırma grubuna farklı günlerde submaximal şiddette tekerlekli kayak ve koşu egzersizleri yaptırılmış ve egzersizler sırasında enerji metabolizması dataları breath-by-breath gaz analizi sistemi (Version Vmax ST 10) ile yapılmıştır.  İstatistiksel analiz olarak ortalama ve standart sapma tanımlayıcı olarak verilmiştir. Gruplararası karşılaştırmada ANOVA ve t-test kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak koşu ve tekerlekli kayak egzersizi arasında sadece yağ metabolizmasında 10. ve 15. dakikalarda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık tespit edilirken Enerji çıktısı, MET ve Karbonhidrat metabolizmasında anlamlı bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir.

Effects of Roller Skiing and Running Exercises at the Same Intensities on Fat and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Cross Country Skiers

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of roller ski and running exercises on Energy Output, MET, Fat and carbohydrate metabolism of cross- country skiers. Ten subjects 4 women (163.0 ± 6.71cm, 57.50 ± 5.97kg, 17.25 ± 2.18 age) and 6 men (171.33 ± 4.61 cm, 55.16 ±8.23kg, 16.50 ±1.56 age) were tested on 2 occasions using a different mode of exercise for each test: running and roller skiing. The test were completed with a portable breath-by-breath gas exchange measurement system (Version Vmax ST 10). Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS (version 100) Means and standard deviations (SD) are given as descriptive statistics. A repeated measurement ANOVA was used for evaluation within groups and between groups’ differences by independent sample ti-test. There is a significant difference between two exercises model Fat Metabolism parameters in 10th and 15th min. There is no significant difference between running and roller skiing exercises at carbohydrate, energy output and MET p>005. Within the rollerskiing and running exercises change no significantly. Result in our study, we suggest that fat metabolism in running exercise between 10-15 minutes significantly increase, while in two exercises modes Q, Met, and CHO metabolism increased at the same degree. 


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