Bu araştırmada Zonguldak-Ereğli Kömür Havzasında 1920 ile 1960 yılları arasında


This paper deals with the activities performed and steps taken to increase productionactivities in Zonguldak-Ereğli Coal Field between 1920 and 1960 and the contributions ofcoal production attained as a result of these activities and steps to the economy of Turkey.This study presents all kinds of activities carried out to increase production in the field aswell as relevant modernization works from 1836, when the first production was made, until1960. The developments in the above-mentioned period were examined in four sections: coalenterprises during the Ottoman period between 1836 and 1920 (to provide a background forthe period under examination); the developments in the 1920-1923 National Governmentperiod; the developments in the 1923-1940 Republican period; and the developments inthe 1940-1960 involving nationalization of the field and the aftermath. The contributions ofdevelopments that took place in coal production during these periods to national economyare presented in the form of numeric data. The gaps in the literature regarding the topic ofthis study were eliminated by using primary sources. Relevant evaluations were made bytaking into account Turkey in that period and the developments that took place in the fieldof hard coal in the world. The results are as follows: legislative regulations that were madefrom 1920 in relation to the field yielded their fruits as of 1924 when production increased.However, private enterprises did not use the field rationally. Therefore, the expected level ofcoal production was never achieved. Before the nationalization of the field, the governmentestablished institutions such as General Directorate of Mineral Research and Explorationand Etibank and Ereğli Coal Enterprise. Later on, another governmental institution, TurkishCoal Enterprise, was founded and put into operation. In addition to all these institutions,foreign aids were received through the Marshall Plan, which led to a gradual increase in theproduction each year. Thanks to this increase, coal mine made important contributions tothe economy through its use in transportation sector, heating official institutions and houses,producing electrical energy and coal gas, developing the iron, steel, and chemical industry,and supporting foreign currency inflow through export.
