1876 yılında Osmanlı-Sırp Savaşı sırasında Macar Özgürlük Savaşı’nı bastıran


During the Ottoman - Serbian battle in 1876, in the Hungarian public hating Russiawhich suppressed the Hungarian freedom war the Turkish pro shows reached the pinnacle.Also in response to the activities of Russian, in Hungary, in the parliament and street Turkishfriendly and anti-Russian statements were followed by another. The elation demonstrationsof the Hungarian increased by the victory of Turkish Commander in Chief Abdul KarimPasha Aleksinac against the Serbs (1876).At the same timein order to show their loyalty tothe Ottomans, Hungarians organized many demonstrations against the Serbs who revoltedagainst the Ottoman with the Russian support. The success of the Turkish army against theSerbs aroused great repercussion among university youth.As a result of this they wantedto offer supreme commander Abdul Karim Pasha a ceremonial sword.Thus by creating aHungarian youth friendship delegation came to İstanbul to congratulate Abdul Karim Pashaand to present the sword.“Vasárnap the Ujság” newspaper,the Hungarian press, showed great theseshows which the Hungarian youth realised to show their sympathy to Turks. Thereuponitplaced pro- Turkish shows of the Hungarian young people in its pages and published anydevelopment with enthusiasm. Thus, the Hungarian public was informed by the press andled to further bolster sympathy in favor of Turkey.In this study a delegation composed of Hungarian university students to celebratethe success of the Ottoman army, the journey of the delegation there to present the receptionof and Abdul Karim Pasha ceremonial sword will be evaluated in the context of Turkish- Hungarian relations of the period and revealed the importance of the Hungarian youthdelegation.


  • I. Arşiv Kaynakları
  • Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA)
  • II. Süreli Yayın
  • Nemere
  • Vasárnapi Ujság
  • III. Kitaplar
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