Presence of the Middle-Upper Triassic in the Autochtonous Geyikdağı Unit of the Eastern Taurus (Sarız-Tufanbeyli Region, Kayseri)

Mesozoic carbonates of Sarız-Tufanbeyli area located in the eastern extension of the Geyikdağı unit which represents the autochton of the Taurus belt. These carbonates form a NE-SW trending belt of 20 km width limited by Binboağa and Soğanlı dağı allochtons. In the studies of Demirtaşlı (1967), Özgül et al. (1973), Erkan et al. (1978), Aziz et al. (1980, 1982), Metin et al. (1982) which present the stratigraphy and geologic maps of the region, the Lower Triassic corresponding to the Katarası formation has been recognized and the Middle to late Triassic has been interpreted as a period of emergence and erosion (Fig. 1). However, there are some facies developments of Middle to Upper Triassic age interrelated between the Lower Triassic (Katarası formation) and the overlying Köroğlutepe formation of Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous age. Although some parts of these facies are difficult to recognize because of the intense dolomitization, the parts which escaped from dolomitization exhibit mappable outcrops in the region. The Middle-Upper Triassic recognized in three measured stratigraphic sections (Fig. 1) shows the following facies characteristics:



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