The study area includes Mut-Karaman part of the Mut Miocene Basin. Lowermost lithostratigraphic unit of Miocene is Göcekler formation which is represented by mudstone and conglomerate of Aquatian age. This formation is unconforably overlies the late Cretaceous basement. The Göcekler formation gradually pass both laterally and vertically into the Aquatian-alt Burdigalian The Fakırca formation which is characterized by clayey limestone/sandstone and coal bearing shale. Clayey limestone part of the Fakirca formation is recognized as the Kestelkapızı member. Marine rock units in the region can be grouped into five formation: The Mut formation, the Köselerli formation, the Dağpazarı formation, the Tirtar formation and the Ballı formation. The Mut formation, the Köselerli formation and the Dağpazarı formation is form the lower part of the sequence. At the upper part of sequence there are the Tirtar formation and the Ballı formations. The Mut formation and the Köselerli formation are represented by limestones, clayey limestone and marl, whereas the Dağpazarı formation consist of calcarenite, limestone, claystone, mudstone. Mut formation and Köselerli formation are laterally transitional and are of Upper Burdigalian-LangianSerravalian (?Lower Serravalian) age. The Dağpazarı formation was deposited in Langian-Serravalian (?Lower Serravalian) time interval. The Tirtar formation is represented by limestone and unconformably overlies the Dağpazarın formation. The Tirtar formation is represented by limestones. The age of the Tirtar formation is Serravalian (?Upper Serravalian)- Tortonian. The lateral equivalent unit of the Tirtar formation is the Ballı formation and is composed of clayey limestone and marl. At the top, Pliocene continental elastics and lacustrine limestones unconformably overlies the Miocene sequence.



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