Faune de Rudistes Maestrichtienne de l'Environ de Kahta-Adıyaman (Anatolie Sud-Est)

In this paper, the Rudist fauna of the Kahta-Adıyaman, which contain the forms of Dictyoptychus euphratica, Dictyoptychus striatus, Dictyoptychus leesi, Sabinia klinghardti, Caprina sp., Vautrinia syriaca, Lapeirousia sp., Pseudopolyconites sp., Pironaea anatolica, Pironaea syriaca, Vaccinites braciensis, Hippurites cf. cornucopiae, Bournonia sp., Radiolites sp., Biradiolites sp. and which form an association during the Maastrichtian, are examined and their geographic and stratigraphic repartitions in Turkey and Mediterranean province are given.



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