Küre dağlari milli parki optimum yönetim Stratejisinin belirlenmesi

Bu çalışmada, Küre Dağları Milli Parkı (KDMP)’ında en uygun yönetim stratejisinin belirlenmesi için ilgi

Determination of Optimum Management Strategy for Küre Mountains National Park

In this study, it is aimed to determine optimum management strategy for Küre Mountains National Park (KMNP)by turning out preferences of all interest groups (1-local villagers, 2- public institution representatives, 3-nongovernmental organization representatives 4- potential tourists) and providing their participation to themanagement process effectively. To realize this aim, it has been studied to develop a management model takinginto consideration social and economic values as well as ecological values. In the study, the present situation ofthe national park was turned out by SWOT analysis, and some alternative management strategies (scenarios) forthe national park were developed based on the findings in this stage. The four factors, which each has three sublevelsuch as managing type, entrance fee, sharing income and administrative structure, were taken intoconsideration while developing alternative management scenarios. The nine orthogonal alternative managementstrategies based on these factors and their sub-level were submitted to 462 interviewees selected by layer-randomsampling method. The interviewees arranged these strategies according to their preferences. The preferenceresults were evaluated by Conjoint analysis, and thus the optimum management strategy was determined for thenational park such as a managing system with “the balance conservation use, taking 10 YTL entrance fee fromvisitors, sharing the 70% of income to the national park management and its 30% to local villagers, andadministrating with the cooperation of state, nongovernmental organizations and local villagers”. Taking intoconsideration the optimum management strategy in the management plan of KMNP, which is thoughpreparation, will help the plan to be applicable and dynamic structure, prevent conflicts among local villagersand the national park management, and thus, to contribute to sustainable management of the national park.


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