Nur Suresi’nin 35. Ayetinin Tefsir ve Te’vili Bağlamında Allah’ın İnsana Dört Hidayeti: Fıtri Din, Akıl, Peygamber ve Kitap

Nur Suresi, Medenî’dir. Hicret’in beşinci yılının son aylarında Beni Müstalik gazvesinden döndükten yaklaşık bir ay sonra pasajlar2 hâlinde indirilmeye başlamıştır. Tamamı 64 ayettir. Adını 35. ayetindeki “Allah göklerin ve yerin nurudur” ayetinden almıştır. Bu surenin, 1-34 arası ayetlerinden oluşan birinci pasajının ilk ayetinde şöyle denilmiştir: “Bu, indirdiğimiz ve içerdiği hükümleri farz3 kıldığımız bir suredir/pasajdır. Düşünüp de öğüt alasınız diye onda apaçık ayetler indirdik.” Pek çok müfessire göre, surenin ilk pasajındaki 34 ayetin hepsi muhkemdir, yani kast edilen mana lafızlarında zahir olup düşünülmekle kavranabilecek ve öğüt alınabilecek açıklıktadır; bunların te’vil edilmeye ihtiyacı yoktur. Buradaki otuz dört ayetin içerdiği hükümlere uymak, her mükellef kişiye farzdır 

Allah's Four Guidance to Mankind in Terms of Interpretation and Explanation of The Sura al-Noor, Verse 35: Innate Religion, Reason, Prophet And Scripture

In the Sura al-Noor, verse 35: “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth”, Allah Almighty describes himself as the Light and around this verse many interpretations (tafseer) and explanations (ta’weel) has been made. Especially symbolical words as mishcat (a niche), misbah (a lamp), zujajah (pearly glass), olive oil that is produced from an olive neither of the East nor of the West have been interpretated distinctively. In this work we tried to interpret the verse “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth….” considering contextual analize, and seeking the genuine meaning behind these symbolical expressions, following the implications internal to the text. In conclusion we may say that: Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. He, guided humankind by four excellent lights (noor) to which one of the symbols in the verse indicates as: innate religion, reason, prophet and scripture. By doing so, He showed them al-Sirat alMustaqeem (The Thrue Path) that will makes them happy and prosperous. From now on, whoever wishes to have these four guides, he/she will get them by encouragementand gladness of Allah, and will reach a triumph and therefore a happy eternal life by “Light upon light”. There is no guide (hidayah) beside this, especially for who does not benefit from his reason. Such a person is like in a darkness on a vast, abysmal sea. There covers him a wave, above which is a wave, above which is a cloud; so far from humanity because of darkness in which he spent his life that he even does not recognise himself.