Eva GROSS, Ulusal Dış Politikanın Avrupalılaşması: Avrupa Kriz Yönetiminde Devamlılık ve Değişim

The book explores to what extent member states’ positions have been Europeanized in favour of a greater EU role in crisis management and defines Europeanization as the impact of the EU institutions on national politics, both as a potential platform to export policy preferences and as a constraint. As the author rightly points out, EU member states straddle three potentially conflicting commitments at the domestic, transatlantic and European contexts that have to be continuously negotiated in the formulation of foreign and security policies. 
Anahtar Kelimeler:

dış politika, Avrupa

Eva GROSS, The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change in European Crisis Management

The book explores to what extent member states’ positions have been Europeanized in favour of a greater EU role in crisis management and defines Europeanization as the impact of the EU institutions on national politics, both as a potential platform to export policy preferences and as a constraint. As the author rightly points out, EU member states straddle three potentially conflicting commitments at the domestic, transatlantic and European contexts that have to be continuously negotiated in the formulation of foreign and security policies. 

foreign policy, Europe,


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