Türkiye’de Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplininin Uzak Tarihi: Hukuk-ı Düvel (1859-1945)

Türkiye’de Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplininin tarihine ilişkin çalışmaların azlığı nedeniyle kaleme

A Distant History of the International Relations Discipline in Turkey: International Law (1859-1945)

What urges this article is the curious dearth of research on the history of international relationsdiscipline in Turkey. The article aims to shed light on the factual historical developmentas well as the line of progress that the discipline has taken from 1859 to 1945. The courseson international relations were called international law in the curricula of Ottoman highereducation institutions. International law became the standard course in which professorsactually taught international relations. A study of textbooks on international law, both fromthe Ottoman period and early Republican Turkey, provided ample opportunities to recoverthe conceptual history of the discipline. Meanwhile, it was also possible to demonstrate theinstitutional history and development of the discipline with respect to courses and professors.Last but not the least, some themes, subjects and major changes in the content of the coursesover time have been uncovered.


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