Türkiye’de Sivil-Asker İlişkilerinin Dönüşümünün Sebepleri

1999’dan beri Türkiye’de sivil-asker ilişkileri, yapılan birçok anayasal ve kurumsal değişiklikle

Causes of the Transformation of Civil-Military Relations in Turkey

Since 1999 Turkish civil-military relations have gone through a transformation due to severalconstitutional and institutional changes. The Turkish Armed Forces, which was independentof civilian oversight, had prerogatives and used veto powers over political matters, lost a significantamount of their authority in the last 15 years. The changes diminished the role of themilitary in providing internal security, increased the powers of the civilians in overseeing themilitary budget, curtailed the jurisdiction of the military courts over civilians, and finally gavemore authority to civilians in senior level military promotions. Although there is still room forimprovement, with these amendments, Turkish civil-military relations were put on a democraticfooting.


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