Koruma Sorumluluğu: Slogandan Uluslararası Etik Bir Norma

2001 yılında ICISS’in raporunu yayınlamasının ardından, 2005 yılında “Koruma Sorumluluğu”nunoybirliği ile kabulü büyük ölçekli insan hakları ihlallerine yanıt vermek için ortak bir anlayışın oluşturulmasında

R2P: From Slogan to an International Ethical Norm

Following the report of the ICISS in 2001, unanimous adoption of the concept of the responsibilityto protect (R2P) in 2005 marked the milestone of a common understanding for responding to massatrocities. In light of the transformations that R2P has gone through, while some in the mountingliterature have been arguing that R2P is a developing legal norm, others have grown more criticalof the concept. In the absence of a consensus regarding R2P’s status, this article contributes tothe literature by arguing that, rather than remaining a slogan or becoming a legal norm, R2P hasevolved into an international ethical norm which constitutes a standard for appropriate behaviour forstates individually and for the international community collectively. To this end, by distinguishingbetween the stages of the norm’s construction and institutionalisation, the article traces R2P’sevolution process and presents an up-to-date analysis in light of the most recent cases as well as thedocuments adopted within the UN.


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