Beijing is one of the most prominent actors in international system regarding international economy. Several statistics, reports and academic studies are significant evidences for understanding the importance of People’s Republic of China (China). Recent literature shows that there are many factors that affect the development of China. The stages and the results of this rising are important for the study together with the factors. Growing energy consumption might be one of the results and a factor related to the rise of China. However, growing energy consumption could also be a reason of many problems. Inadequate energy sources are one of the most important triggers of this problem since it forces states to supply the shortage of energy resources through importation which is the case for China as well. As literature points, China provides a significant part of its energy needs through imports. Therefore, it can be argued that Sino-Russian relations may led to significant energy security problems for China since it is not a self-sufficient country regarding energy resources. Russian Federation (Russia)'s energy-based policy implementations in the past are important evidence for this possibility. We disagree with this argument in the context of natural gas. We argue that, in terms of energy security, Russia will not be a full threat to China in the near future because of at least two reasons: Chinese-Russian mutual energy agreements and China’s multidimensional energy policy understanding.


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