This study aims to provide a realistic viewpoint based on academicians’ views about what the quality of scientific publication means and to provide criteria / recommendations for determining the quality of a scientific research. From qualitative research methods, case study has been preferred in this study which allows comprehending an event or situation in detail. From purposeful sampling techniques, criterion sampling has been used for selection of participants. Participants involve 22 academicians who work at a higher education institution and take academic incentive payment. 22 percent of participants (n=5) include research assistants, 22 percent (n=5) assistant professors; 31 percent (n=7) associate professors; and 27 percent (n=6) professors. Semistructured interview form has been used for collecting qualitative data. When themes and codes are analyzed which appear as a result of study, it is observed that academicians regard the following criteria as an indicator of quality in a research: “Appropriateness of Abstract” theme; “Contribution to Literature” theme, “Originality” theme, “Identification of Scope and Focus” theme, “Scientific” theme, “Comprehensiveness” theme, “Reporting” theme, “Ethic” theme. There comes out 8 themes and 28 codes within the category of research quality criteria adopted by academicians.


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