The Covid 19 virus, which originated in Wuhan, China, has affected the entire world. This situation, which required isolation, also halted the economy, and only the main strategic sectors have continued functioning. However, the priority in the entire world economy has been healthcare expenditures. After that, the production of products such as food and agriculture, hygiene and chemical products in the economy increased and took an important place in the fight against the pandemic. Supply problems in the world economy have decreased with normalization. In this process, all countries, especially the United States and European countries, have developed many economic shields against the virus and have made many strides to protect the entire economy, especially strategic sectors. The most important of the macroeconomic variables were inflation, growth, unemployment and the serious effects of the virus within the scope of the balance of payments. Since it is not known how long the epidemic will continue, when vaccination studies will end, and a series of economic stimulus packages are announced to eliminate the negative effects of uncertainties on economies. If a significant portion of the country's resources are allocated primarily for health expenditures, pharmaceuticals and vaccines, and expenditures such as hospitals, they have made arrangements so as not to disrupt the production and supply chain. For this reason, the measures taken have been adjusted to continue production, which are basic and strategic sectors such as agriculture, industry, finance and manufacturing that will not disrupt the supply chain. In the study, the economic package measures taken by various countries against coronavirus were examined in terms of characteristics and effects with figures.


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