Religion, Polity and Society in Turkey

Thqc has be€ri much tdk in recent yeas both in the Turkish press and in popular Funals, about the apparent visibility of Islam in social ana potticaf lfe. Ii otfrerway, one feanne of Ihe Turkish sociay and polity of the l9gft that strikes any keeri ob_s€rver is Ihe 'levival" of Islam. One of tlre most impofirnt cuxlent socio_poUtt f i"ro_es in Turkey is secularism. The Islamic movemenihr" b"-m" ru"h"rirsible pheno_mena that in recent mo[ths valious agencies of tlre state have sttded to colleci infor_malion and u/rite up official repore on the hcreasing threat of the clandestine activities of various groups seeking to rc-institute the ,'Sheriat".
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Religion, Polity, Society

Religion, Polity and Society in Turkey

Thqc has be€ri much tdk in recent yeas both in the Turkish press and in popular Funals, about the apparent visibility of Islam in social ana potticaf lfe. Ii otfrerway, one feanne of Ihe Turkish sociay and polity of the l9gft that strikes any keeri ob_s€rver is Ihe 'levival" of Islam. One of tlre most impofirnt cuxlent socio_poUtt f i"ro_es in Turkey is secularism. The Islamic movemenihr" b"-m" ru"h"rirsible pheno_mena that in recent mo[ths valious agencies of tlre state have sttded to colleci infor_malion and u/rite up official repore on the hcreasing threat of the clandestine activities of various groups seeking to rc-institute the ,'Sheriat".


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