Osmanlı Siyaset Kültürünü Anlamada Kaynak Olarak İlm-i Nücûm: Sadullah el-Ankaravî

Anahtar Kelimeler:


Ilm-i Nücûm as a Source for Understanding Ottoman Political Culture: The Case of Sadullah El-Ankaravî

This introductory essay's aim is to emphasize the fact that ilm-i nücûm is one of the most fruitful domains to explore the codes of the Ottoman political culture. By doing this, a prominent müneccim of his province, Sadullah el-Ankaravi of Ankara is being exemplified. The article is divided into four parts: a definition of ilm-i nücûm and ilm-i ahkâm-ı nücûm is presented in the first two parts. In the third part, Sadullah Efendi's relations with the prominent people of higher ranks are shortly explored and the fourth part gives the main features of this relationship: patronage system and personal consultancy.
