Bizans döneminde genel olarak “Ege Adaları” adıyla anılan ve Trablusgarp


Island groups which were called as “Agean Islands” during Byzantium eraand called as Dodecanes by translating from Greek language were under thedomination of Ottoman State from 16th century until Tripoli War. Dodecaneswhich were occupied by Italy during Tripoli War became a moot point betweenTurkey, Greece and Italy and this discussions continued during Balkan Wars,The First World War and after the National War of Independence.Dodecanes for which three countries struggled, were given to Italy in LausannePeace Conference without any negotiation, in the same conference AgeanIslands issue discussed between Turkey and Greece and Castellorizo issue wasdiscussed between Italy and Turkey.Although Dodecanes issue was not discussed during Lausanne PeaceConference, the head of Greek Delegation, Eleftherios Venizelos, endeavoredfor Dodecanes with the confidential correspondences conducted with ForeignOffice and Harold Nicolson.In this paper not only the negotiations and discussions about Dodecanes fromTripoli War to Lausanne Conference but the confidential correspondences ofVenizelos to take the Dodecanes will be evaluated in the light of Benaki MuseumVenizelos Archive documents.


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