Bu çalışmada yabancı uyruklu filologların eğitiminde interaktif metotların incelenmiştir. ''Yönlendirilmiş okuma'' tekniğinin kullanımına dayalı olan öğretim süreci istisnasız tüm öğrenci gruplarının bilgilerinin kazanım süreci dâhil edilerek oluşturulmaktadır. Makalede yabancı uyruklu filologlara Rus dili öğretiminin interaktif metotlarının dilsel-didaktik imkânlarının öğretimi incelenmektedir. Yabancı dil olarak Rus dili öğretimi sırasında ''yönlendirilmiş okuma'' tekniğinin uygulanması klasik edebiyatın Rusça okunmasına ve Rus dilinin öğrenilmesine olan motivasyonu arttırmaktadır. Verilmiş olan interaktif metot sanatsal metnin dilsel olarak yorumlanmasında ve ev ödevi çerçevesinde hazırlanmış olan eğitim sürecinde kullanılabilir. Ele almış olduğumuz bu çalışma Türkiye'deki Rus Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü öğrencileri üzerinde Rusya Federasyonu devlet standartında bulunan lisans programı temel eğitiminin %30'unun, yüksek lisans programı temel eğitiminin %50'sinin kullanıldığı interaktif eğitim sistemine göre uygulanmaya çalışılmıştır. ''Pratik Rus Dili Kursu'' veya özel kurslar çerçevesinde yabancı uyruklu filologların eğitimleri sırasındaki interaktif metotların kullanımı yabancı uyruklu öğrencilere doğal iletişim sürecinde Rus diline daha canlı ve rahat bir atmosferde hâkim olmaya imkân vermektedir.metotlar bu yüzden öğrencilerin yoğunlaştırılmış eğitimlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Öğretmenin görevi en uygun metotları, yöntemleri ve teknikleri bulmaktır. Üretken öğrenme süreci öğrencilerin algılama etkinliğinin gelişimini, eğitimin bitişinden sonra ortaya çıkan problemin çözümüne dair çözüm sağlamaya imkân veren öğrencilerin entellektüel durumlarını ayarlamaya çalışır. Bu doğrultuda yapılan çalışma Rus dili öğretiminde etkin bir yöntem olarak karşımıza çıkar


In this study, the role of interactive methods in the training of foreign philologists was examined in terms of "directed reading" technique. The teaching process based on the use of '' directed reading '' technique is created by including the acquisition process of all student groups' information without exception. It examines the teaching of the linguistic-didactic possibilities of interactive methods of Russian language teaching to foreign philologists. The application of '' directed reading '' technique during Russian language teaching as a foreign language enhances the motivation for the reading of classical literature in Russian and the learning of Russian language. The given interactive method can be used in the linguistic interpretation of the artistic text and in the educational process prepared in the framework of homework. This study, which we have dealt with, tried to apply to the Russian Language and Literature Department students in Turkey according to the interactive education system where 30% of the undergraduate program in the Russian Federation state standard and 50% of the master program basic education are used. The use of interactive methods in the course of "Practical Russian Language Course" or in the course of special courses allow foreign students to dominate the Russian language in a more lively and comfortable atmosphere in the natural communication process. That is why; interactive methods are precisely used in intensified trainings of adults. The duty of the teacher is to find the most appropriate methods and techniques. The productive learning process, which allows the development of the perceived effectiveness of the students and the solution of the problem that occurs after the end of the education, tries to adjust the intellectual status of the students.The study made in this direction emerges as an effective method in Russian language teaching The entrance of the learning process of interactive methods in education related to the necessity of the usage of the intellectual-creative potential of the individual is a vital request for the higher education federal state education standard in the Russian federation. This request in education process of higher education institutions includes the paradigm of innovative education, which is personally developing. According to the state standard of Russian federation, while the basic program of undergraduate education is supposed to include lectures, which are in an interactive manner from 10% to 30%, the basic education of master degree program is to include courses interactively from 30% to 50 %. There is not any exceptional implementation for training of foreign national philologists as well. The use of interactive methods that is used by foreign national philologists in the courses of “Practical Russian Language course” or within the scope of private courses allow the foreign national students to dominate the Russia language in a more lively and comfortable atmosphere during the process of natural communication (Lazarev, Fisenko, Çernova, 2016, ss.21-26). Students are more involved into the learned situation, are actively encouraged to act, enjoy the sense of success, motivate their behaviour, respectively. The teacher who enables the students to become active motivates the students to search for new information individually in the learning process by playing the supporting role on the subject. That is why; interactive methods are precisely used in intensified trainings of adults. The duty of the teacher is to find the most appropriate methods and techniques. The productive learning process, which allows the development of the perceived effectiveness of the students and the solution of the problem that occurs after the end of the education, tries to adjust the intellectual status of the students. Placing the problem In this study, the role of interactive methods in the training of foreign national philologists is examined in terms of "directed reading". The teaching process based on the usage of '' directed reading '' technique is constituted without exception by including the acquisition process of the information of all student groups. Each student contributes to the study by expanding the linguistic-didactic facilities belonging to active method of education, and the interactive technique, that is, “directed reading” which is driven method of reading in a wide range of languages. The story choice of A.S. Pushkin is not coincidence. In the lectures of Russian language teaching (RKI) as a foreign language, teachers frequently read the work or the pieces of the work together within the frame of the linguistic interpretations of artistic texts or the context which is given as a homework. Thanks to the technique of “directed reading “, problems such as linguistic complexities and linguistic competence, which occur in the groups of foreign national students, disappear more quickly. Foreign national students not only learn speaking Russian but also listen to others. The condition of the effectiveness of the educational process is the implementation of constantly developing methodological principles. These are as follow: linguistic principle (systemness, concentricity, limitation or divergence of the acts in the level of language and speaking, performance, tone differentiation, minimisation, conditional and thematic organisation of the material, syntactic based grammar and language learning), didactic principle (consciousness, visual method usage or visibility, stability, availability, achievability, systemness, rationality, activeness, collectiveness, developing education, creativity), psychologic principle (motivation, knowledge creation step by step, tendencies, skills, students’ individual-psychologic characteristics), methodical principle (dependence, characteristics of the mother tongue, integrity, not dictionary usage, reciprocal education for all speaking styles) (Metodika prepodavaniya russkogo yazıka kak inostrannogo dlya zarybejnıh filologov-rusistov, 1999, s.117). At the result of the study performed according to the “directed reading” technique in the text, it is found out that the students gain the communicative speaking abilities and language skills revealed with communicative competence in the socio-cultural and educationalacademic fields of the communication. Working Methods on the Text “Directed reading” technique was presented by ourselves in the book titled “A.S. Puşkin’in ‘‘Tipi’’ (Second degree certificate) adlı uzun öyküsünün dilbilimsel yorumlaması” edited by O. S. Fisenko. Usage of this technique in the lectures of Russian language teaching (RKI) as a foreign language has increased the attention to the reading of the artistic works. Mutual interactions of both the students and teachers reveal even in the first study done in the text. The students show reactions against the states offered them regularly. While the level of the teacher is to make the students study, stop, turn them into previous subjects, the level of the student is to show effective and rapid reactions against impulse. All the text of the long story “The Blizzard” of A. S. Pushkin is divided rationally into 20 parts, all of which end with significant events (Adonina, Rıjova, Fisenko, Çernova, 2014, s.50). Students keep a clean sheet of paper on their desks in addition to the story text. The students are directed to cover the text with the white paper and to read the story only according to the directives of the teacher. Because this performed method is towards the students who are seconddegree level in Russian grammar knowledge, the teacher directs the students to read the text in detail and silently. After the text is read, the students are demanded to put the papers aside. After this process, the teacher can decide if the students are ready to carry out other activities when the students turn their eyes from the text. In some cases, the students can read any parts of the story loudly. After the reading of the text, the following question is asked from the students to comprehend if the it is understood or not: “Do you think what is narrated in the work the Blizzard? The main method of the directed reading technique used in the interactive method system in this process is discussion method. The students perform the opponent role supplementing or opposing each other. In the meantime, the teacher carefully listens all the answers not declining any thoughts, collects all data. Afterwards, the reading and asking questions related with each chapter proceed. In this step, the process of comprehending the text and stating opinions about the readings continue. The question “Do you think what will happen in the advancing chapters of the story?” take on a task of transition to the other part. The primary aim of this study is to show the demonstrated method in the sample of A.S. Pushkin’s long story, The Blizzard.


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