Günümüzde dil öğretiminde sosyal medya ve teknolojik ortamlar kullanılmaktadır. Sosyal medya sayesinde gruplar oluşturulmakta ve Facebook, Twitter, Webloglar aracılığıyla dil öğretimine yardımcı materyaller paylaşılmaktadır. Birçok öğrenci yazdıklarıyla hem kendilerini hem de birbirlerini değerlendirmektedirler. Dil öğretimi konusunda günümüze kadar pek çok yöntem geliştirilmiş ve uygulanmıştır. Bu yöntemler birbirlerine alternatif yöntemler gibi görünse de genel olarak tamamlayıcı yöntemler olarak kabul edilmekte ve bir metot diğerini inkâr etme yerine tamamlamaktadır. Dil öğretim yöntemlerinin sürekli değişmesinin temel nedenlerini her geçen gün gelişen teknolojik olanaklar, internetin bütün dünyada sınırları daha şeffaf hale getirmesi ve buna bağlı olarak kültürel iletişim ve etkileşimin hızlanması olarak sıralayabiliriz. Günümüzde insanların iletişim kurmak için kullandığı en yaygın internet ağı sosyal medya olmuştur. Araştırma Uludağ Üniversitesi Türkçe öğretimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezinde (ULUTÖMER) Türkçeyi yabancı dil olarak öğrenen yabancı uyruklu öğrencilerin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın amacı öğrencilerin Türkçe öğrenirken sosyal ağ paylaşımlarından daha çok hangilerinden ve ne kadar yararlandıkları ve bunun öğrenime katkısıdır. İçerikler ve eldeki veriler incelendiğinde video, resim, müzik, öğrencilerin ve öğretmenlerin buldukları değişik yöntemlerin bu sosyal ağ paylaşımlarında Türkçe öğretme ve öğrenmede kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada sosyal ağ paylaşımlarının, özellikle Facebook'un bir yardımcı unsur olarak yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretiminde kullanılması üzerinde durulmaktadır. Araştırmamızda nitel araştırmalardan yararlanılmıştır ve A2, B1, B2, C1 seviye gruplarındaki öğrencilerimizin verileri değerlendirilmiştir.


Today, in language teaching, social media and technological environments are used. Thanks to social media, groups are formed and, by means of Facebook, Twitter, Weblogs, supplementary materials are shared in language teaching. Many students evaluate both themselves and one another with their writings.Until today, a lot of methods have been developed and applied in relation to language teaching. Although these methods seem to alternative to one another, they are generally accepted as complementary methods and a method complements another instead of denying it. We can list the basic reasons why language teaching methods continuously change with every passing day as developing technological possibilities, more transparent borders all over the world due to the Internet and, depending on this, increasing cultural communication and interaction. Today, the most common internet network which people use to establish communication has become social media. The study was carried out with the participation of the foreign students learning Turkish as a foreign language at Uludag University Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center (ULUTOMER). The purpose of the study is to determine how often and how much the students use the social networking sites when learning Turkish and how much these social networking sites contribute to their learning. When the contents and the data in hand are examined, it is observed that videos, images, music and various methods which students and teachers find in these social networking sites are used in Turkish teaching and learning. In this study, using social networking sites, particularly Facebook, as a supplementary element in teaching Turkish as a foreign language teaching is discussed. In our study, qualitative research studies were benefited from and the data obtained from our students in the proficiency groups of A2, B1, B2 and C1.Language is nested in emotions and thoughts. Emotions and thoughts are communicated to others through language. The basic means of this communication is words. Even in mother language, when words are not used properly, messages are not understood. For this reason, in foreign language teaching, vocabulary teaching should be attached particular importance. In foreign language teaching, words should be pronounced correctly and activities aiming at this should be frequently included. In order to achieve the permanency of words, practices based on audiovisual aids should be emphasized. Language is a system having a systematic and, at the same time, complicated structure. In this structure, every language has its onw rules. Moreover, with its own systemtic, Turkish has an important place among world languages. The interest in Turkish having a foundation going back hundreds of years and being among languages mostly spoken in the world is gradually increasing in parallel to developments in the World. When the historical periods of the Turkish language are examined, its rooted history attracts attention. In this historical process, Turkish has become a language which other nations want to learn as well. There are a lot of problems encountered in relation to the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language carried out by various centers both in our country and abroad. There are a lot of studies in the literature in relation to these problems (Açık, 2008; Alyılmaz, 2010; Arslan and Adem, 2010; Barın, 2004; Büyükaslan, 2007; Candaş Karababa, 2009; Demir and Açık, 2011; Derman, 2010; Doğan, 1989; Dolunay, 2005; Göçer, 2007; Göçer, 2009; Güneyli and Demirel, 2006; Güzel, 2004; İsmail, 2000; İşcan, 2011; Kara, 2011; Kont, 2000; Köse, 2004; Mavaşoğlu and Tüm, 2011; Öksüz, 2011; Özbay, 2010; Özdemir, 2012; Özyürek, 2009; Toprak, 2004; Tosun, 2005; Ungan, 2006; Ünlü, 2011; Vandewalle, 2000; Yağmur, 2006; Yüce, 2005a; Yüce, 2005b; Yücer, 2011; Er, Biçer and Bozkırlı, 2012). These studies determined that the Turkish teaching programs did not take the mother languages, ages, educational levels and cultures of foreign students into consideration, the methods and the materials used in these programs fell short of responding to the requirements of the time. Moreover, various studies were made to eliminate these problems. According to Er, Biçer and Bozkırlı, there are some problems in relation to the teaching of Turkish to foreigners. According to Bozkırlı (2012), these problems arise from the followings: the language characteristics of Turkish, the Turkish teaching’s lacking different branches, insufficient teaching programs, insufficient resources to benefit from in teaching Turkish as a foreign language, insufficient tools and materials, insufficient communication between educational environments and teaching staff members charged at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, insufficient methods and techniques, the alphabet, the institutions being interested in Turkish teaching, lack of a state policy related with the teaching of Turkish to foreigners. Until today, a lot of methods have been developed and applied in relation to language teaching. Although these methods seem to alternative to one another, they are generally accepted as complementary methods and a method complements another instead of denying it. We can list the basic reasons why language teaching methods continuously change with every passing day as developing technological possibilities, more transparent borders all over the world due to the Internet and, depending on this, increasing cultural communication and interaction. Candaş Karababa (2009) emphasized the necessity of developing programs in the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language in accordance with the requirements and levels of learners and regulating the course programs in line with their age levels. The course subjects which people who are members of different language families have difficulty learning and the ones which they learn easily are different. Students coming from the Turkish states and communinities are more advantegous in Turkish learning compared to those who come from other countries. For, the mother languages of these students coming from especially such countries as Azerbaijan, Kazakhistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan ve Tatarstan are, at the same time, the dialects of Turkish and show similarities to the Turkey Turkish (Özyürek, 2009). For this reaon, when preparing programs, the mother language of the target audience and the language family to which this language belongs should primarily be taken into consideration. In order to increase the efficiency of the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language and motivate students, it is necessary to activate every possible stimulant. For this reason, audiovisual aids used in the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language make students learn Turkish more effectively and permanently by activating their auditory and visual senses (Arslan and Adem, 2010). In language teaching, together with these matrials, the audiovisual method should also be used. A person leaning a language with this method is faced with daily conversation called "français fundamentalda" and finds an opportunity to transfer what s/he has learned into daily life (Stern, 1991). 2. METHOD Humans acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities during their lifetime in parallel to their interactions with their environments. Depending on this, learning is an acquisition process continuing lifelong. Learning is a dynamic process. A human continuously learns something as long as s/he lives. A person learning a subject is no longer the previous person. This difference is the one changing his/her behaviors, attitudes and, perhaps, personality. Rogers (1996) lists the learning models developed in relation to how learning occurs and the main reasons of changes arising from learning in a person as behaviorist theory, cognitive theory, affective theory, constructivist theory and communicative theory. He took in hand the foreign language teaching methods under the following headings (Doğan, 2012).The above-listed language teaching methods have been used in foreign language teaching until today and contents and materials have been developed depending on these methods. Although there is not a precise decision yet in relation to which teaching method is more appropriate for materials and methods to be used in the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language in the web-based environment, it can be stated that experts are of the same mind that the researchers, who are to carry out studies especially in this field, can benefit from the “Communicative, Functional-notional, Cognitive, Audiovisual" methods. After giving general information about these methods below, the usability of the methods in terms of the web-based distant Turkish teaching was discussed. Computer-assisted language teaching method Today, the effectiveness of the computer-assisted language teaching in the education system is increasing day by day. The era in which we are is an era in which information spreads rapidly and accessing information is becoming easier. Of course, the development of information technologies plays an important role in this. Information technologies making a rapid progress especially at the end of the twentieth century have started to show their effectiveness in the field of education as well (Şahin and Akçay, 2011). In parallel to the development of technology, the use of computers in the education systems is increasing, too. However, computer-assisted teaching methods are developing as well. The computer-assisted language teaching methods are used in the educational environments in such activities as content trnasfer, studies, educational services management, measurement and evaluation, guidance and learning- teaching (Tosun, 2006). With the change made in the Turkish Teaching Program, the constructivist understanding was adopted and, in this direction, student-centered methods, techniques and materials were needed. Today, the Internet appears before us in every field of our lives. In the Internet, which has become a big pool of information, it is possible to reach every kind of information. Various studies are being made about the use of the Internet, which is one of the biggest information acquisition resources of learners, in education. In the lead of these are the internet-based methods which increase today's students' interests, facilitate their making seraches and help them learn by entertaining (Akçay and Şahin, 2012). For this reason, due to the use of computers as an effective learning tool, it will be an appropriate approach to give place to computerassisted education in Turkish education, too (Pala, 2006). By using a computer, a teacher can solve a lot of questions and transfer the knowledge related to what s/he teaches in the lesson into educational environment. In the light of education technology, the need for doing a more effective teaching via technological innovations rather than generally monotonous practices performed via such tools as board, chalk or pencil, book and notebook is clear in the teaching of Turkish (Şengül & Yalçın, 2003). The teaching of Turkish as a foreign language in webbased environments provides people who want to learn Turkish in different geographies of the world with important opportunities. While preparing programs for computer-assisted teaching of Turkish as a foreign language and creating web environments, effective programs can be prepared by using the above-mentioned language teaching methods. In the web-based language teaching method, by considering the conveniences provided by technological possibilities in the design of teaching models, it is necessary to use not a single theory but an intertheoretical method. Today, the rapid develoment of technological possibilities has made the Computer-Assisted Teaching Method a new language teaching method. Audiovisual language teaching method The use of audiovisual aids in foreign language teaching facilitates and speeds up learning. Computers and, hence, the web occupy an important place among the audiovisual aids. The traditional foreign language methods cannot achieve the expected success. In order to increase the quality of the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language and motivate students, it is necesary to activate all stimulants. With activities to be carried out in the teaching of Turkish as a foriegn language, students are helped to learn words and concepts more quickly (Demirel, 1993a: 24). In order to show how theoretical knowledge taught in foreign language lessons is put into practice, lessons should be supported via video films. “Video is both a good information store and a good demonstration tool. It helps exhibit real life in the best way. There might be a lot of messages in a short scene of a video film. An hour of lesson can be fit into a short program lasting 3-5 minutes" (Demirel, 1993b: 97). In a video film, sound and video are given integratedly. The Role of Artistic Films, One of the Audiovisual Materials, in Language Learning During the foreign language teaching process, the audiovisual aids having appropriate educational and instrcutional characteristics, particularly artistic films, have little or no place among the methods and techniques used in the fields where language education is given. However, one of the basic requirements of catching success in foreign language teaching is achieving high motivation in students so that they can adopt a taught subject. Undoubtedly, this aim can be achieved via bringing artistic films included among audiovisual materials to the classroom environment and using them efficiently (Ovcinnikova, 2006: 128). For, artistic films reflect a learned subject in its entirety and make students feel as if they were in the natural dialogue environment together with people in the target language. Artistic films also play an important role in minimizing such negative factors as tension, timidity and diffidence occurring in students during learning.We can list primary benefits of artistic films in foreign language learning as follows: 1. They can bring procedures, tools, events and place, speed and time changes, which are not possible or very difficult to reach or obtain, into the classroom easily. 2. They prevent the forgetting of learned knowledge in a short time by protecting the coverage of the acquired knowledge. 3. They provide objective opinions in the etude of delicate and opento-discussion subjects. They arouse interest in making research and reading. 4. They provide all group members with the same possibilities. 5. They facilitate attitude and behavior changes. 6. They help arouse and continue all students' interests. 7. They bring the experts of a studied subject and numerous resources related with it into the classroom. 8. They help students contact with the social and physical environment in the film. 9. They are appropriate for all groups despite their different ages and abilities (İşcan, 2011: 940). 10. They expand the dimension of the thinking system which is possible to occur in the target language. 11. They achieve professional and personal development in a person. 12. They make students reach perfect results without losing much time and having to exert much effort. 13. They comprise accessible knowledge for students to understand, comprehend and remember a given subject. 14. They allow for focusing not on form but on the subject (Frayfeld, 2006: 74-81). In general, artistic films give students a ground for expessing their ideas freely and create a continuously developing interpretation power in them by expanding their emotion-thought fields. Shortly, artistic films are an exclusive resource having extraordinary benefits in creating an effective teaching environment, delivering linguistic and cultural elements and images to a student, achieving and speeding up the formation of four basic language skills in language teaching in a person, meeting a person with a natural and plain target language and expanding a person's distinctive thinking field. Teaching Activities via Video Films • Making students talk about video films composed of only images: Students should be made to watch video films composed of only images related to the subject being learned and then they should be made to talk about this video film. With this activity, students will find an opportunity to use new words they have learned in a sentence. • Having students watch a short video film which is in line with the subject being taught: In the teaching of Turkish to foreigners, after a subject is taught, students should be made to watch short video films to consolidate the relevant subject. Students consolidate the subject via what they have seen and heard in practice. Volunteer students can act out what they have watched by imitating the dialogues in the video. Music “Auditory aids are efffective on making students acquire proper language habits and doing repetition exercises” (Demirel, 1993c:97). One of the auditory aids activating the auditory sense most quickly is music. In the teaching of Turkish to foreigners, activities to be performed with the help of pieces of music will develop students’ pronunciations. When students listen to a piece of music which they like, they will try to repeat the lyrics of that piece of music. In nthis way, besides listening skills, students’ speaking skills will also develop. Some words in the hook part of musical pieces are repeated frequently. These repeated words will be easily pronounced by students and it will be easier to memorize these words. It is possible to make students listen to songs fitting for the subject via the help of computers and the web and expand their vocabulary. Computer Computers are an indispensible supplementary course materials of foreign language activities. Computers “have taken place in all the commercial, industrial an educational activities of societies, increased productivity in every area where they are used and occupied an important place in human life” (Arslan, 2003: 67). In our time, it is almost impossible to see a school without computers. Children spend all of their out-of-school times on the computer. Computers occupying an important place in daily life and used in many areas should be used in the teaching of Turkish to foreigners effectively. The target audience of the teaching of Turkish to foreigners is generally the young population. Young people show a serious interest in computers. This interest of young people’s in computers makes it necessary to prepare computer-based programs in the teaching of Turkish to foreigners. Computers are used by teachers generally for the purposes of preparing presentations (by using the Powerpoint program), making students watch videos, listen to music, etc. Teachers’ using materials which they prepare on the computer in their lessons affect students’ motivations positively. In the teaching of Turkish to foreigners, programs to be prepared via the help of computers will catch students’ attention and increase their interest in learning this language. It is observed that students using some computer-based programs prepared for the purpose of English teaching (Rosetta Stone, Euro Talk, etc.) use these programs with interest and continuously. The Turkish versions of these programs have been used in the teaching of Turkish to foreigners lessons and similar results have been obtained. With the aim of teaching Turkish to foreigners, students should be made to play a lot of games on the computer by using the web. Students will write Turkish words and sentences in their subconscious during a game without being aware of it and use them when they need. When teaching subjects with the help of computers in the teaching of Turkish to foreigners lessons, the level of a class should be taken into consideration. Moreover, programs should be understable and easy. Mobile Learning In the literature, the first definitions of mobile learning were mostly technology-centered. For example, a learning, which is performed via mobile digital devices such as Palm, Windows CE machines and digital mobile phone, is called electronic learning (e-learning) (Quinn, 2000; cited by Özdamar, 2010: 492). In other words, mobile learning is the facility of accessing educational materials and learning for students with mobile devices over wireless environments (Litchfield, 2007; cited by Gülseçen, Gürsul, Bayrakdar, Çilengir and Canım, 2010: 788). Moreover, in Keegan’s technology-centered definition, mobile devices are limited to those which can be carried by users and the concept of mobility is emphasized (Keegan, 2008; cited by Özdamar, 2010: 492). As it is understood by the definitions, mobile learning makes the work of learning easy and supports the concepts of learning everywhere and lifelong learning. Although mobile learning has many advantages such as facilitating learning, it brings along some problems as well. Mobile learning practices provide easy storage and portability possibility thanks to their useful functions. It supports the concept of lifelong learning by developing the understanding of learning every time and everywhere as well as provides a possibility of accessing information when it is needed by eliminating the time and place restriction (Kossen, 2001, Jones and Jo, 2004; cited by Gülseçen et al., 2010: 788). Social Media and Education Today, the most common internet network which people use to establish communication has become social media. Facebook, a social networking site owned by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University student, is, as of today, one of the mostly-used social networks in Turkey and in the World. Stating that “the use of social media is developing in our country more quickly than many countries”, Vural reported that Turkey places the fifth in the world in social media use and places the fourth in Facebook use after the USA, England and Indonesia according to the 2012 reports” (http://www.trtturk.com.tr/haber/facebookkullaniminda-turkiye-dunya-4uncusu.html). It is certain that socialization is a need for humans. The Internet provides humans with a more comfortable and freer communication environment by saving them from the restriction of place and time. Humans can establish new relationships and continue their existing relationships by using social networks over the Internet. Moreover, humans continue their socialization process by coming into contact with people whom they haven’t met, reached or established communication with for a long time by using social networks. Moreover, it is definitely necesary to use social media having so many advantages in the educational sector. For, one of the primary objectives of education is to contribute to the individual’s socialization.The most important criterion for the usability of social media in education is its making the individual active and increasing the interindividual interaction. Social media increases the interaction between students, teachers and the content. Moreover, it provides various educational situations and environments. Social media, which might also contibute to the material variety, supports quality education as well. Social networks increase students’ degrees of learning, their interests in the lesson and sttisfaction levels and ensures the interaction in the triangle of school-student and teacher. 3. FINDINGS AND INTERPRETATIONS 60 students enrolled in B1, B2 and C1 level Turkish preparatory classes of the Turkish Teaching Practice and Research Center of Uludag University participated in this study.Technological developments in the world have affected communication technology as well as other fields. Rapidly developing technological tools have carried interpersonal communication and interaction to a different dimension. This change has started to affect even social, economic, cultural and judgement values of countries (Aksüt, Batur and Avşar, 2006: 2). The leading actor of this change lived in the communication field is the Internet technologies. Although the Internet has a short history, it is a mass communication means having reached a common usage area all over the world. It is possible to use the Internet in the fields of trade, communication, entertainment sector, education and even in management practices (Çakır and Topçu, 2005: 71). The vocabulary teaching and learning with audiovisual aids, which are an indispensible element for teachers and learners of Turkish as a foreign language, was tried to be taken in hand. Teachers of Turkish as a foreign language can evaluate these methods from their own perspectives and use them in their lesons. It is possible to collect students' attention, which is distracted from time to time, via these methods again and students can store words in their memories without being aware of it. With these activities, students find an opportunity to practise and repeat words they have learned. The Internet is a gigantic structure composed of the combination of computer networks which have spread all over the world (Kennedy, 2000). Every kind of data transferred into the computer envronment on this network can be used by almost everybody and users get a limitless opportunity. The Internet is open to development unendingly, a network system with a large area and an umbrella term used for information and communication lines providing communication potential. The Internet has no limits and its effect goes beyond national borders (Acun, 2000: 6; Tanılır, 2003: 3). Today, the Internet has become a tool of reaching information in the most quick, easiest and cheapest way. Especially due to the advantages which they provide in communication, information access and publication, the Internet is becoming widespread all over the world at an extraordinary speed (Ergin, 2005: 39). Hence, the intersocietal information flow is accelerating. In the universal communication on the Internet, script, sound and image are used in the same environment and this makes communication more effective compared to other traditional media types. Hence, the Internet realizes a powerful information presentation by drawing the superiorities of the newspaper, radio and television together in the same environment. The Internet users come close to people living in different cultures and get in cultural interaction with them in environments occurring thanks to virtual communication (Çakır and Topçu, 2005: 76). Undoubtedly, one of the elements being affected by this interaction most is the structure of language. In many studies having made until today, the effect of the Internet on the language has been investigated (Aksüt et al., 2006; Çakır and Topçu, 2005; Merchant, 2001; Obrien et al., 2001). Humbolt states that “language and culture continuously affect each other and they cannot be separated from each other”. In parallel to this, Güvenç (1999) states that “everything existing in a society as an item and concept also exists in a language. Cultural and historical heritage can be transferred to next generations only through language. He expresses that language is like an encyclopedia, a treasure or a dictionary of cultural contents. Figures, sketches, pictures depicting words make words be understood correctly and easily and prevent learners from forgetting them quickly. Vocabulary teaching via the help of figures, sketches, pictures and cartoons is an effective method. Together with the use of computers commonly by everybody, students have found an opportunity to practise what they have learned in the lesson on their own. Cds with both visual and auditoy interaction are vocabulary teaching materials attracting the attention of foreign language learners. However, in the teaching of Turkish to foreigners, the videos, where sound and image are together, are used effectively in the teaching of foreign languages. Today, in which the computer technology is providing new communication and visual possibilities with every passing day, the creation of learning environments using these technological possibilities is an indisputable fact. The benefits of computer-assisted language teaching were specified as the computer's making correct sentences and the student's not feeling the fear of looking ridiculous in the classroom since they learn a language without being in the classroom environment (Güzel and Barın, 2013). There are a limited number of studies made in Turkey on the teaching of Turkish as a foreign language in web-based environments. That the previous studies have been prepared via the teaching methods based on a scientific foundation is an undeniable fact in terms of teaching Turkish to foreigners more healthily. In further studies, in parallel to the existing language teaching methods, the "Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Method - CALL" should be used and this method should be developed. With the computer-assisted language instruction, it will be possible to provide students with online reading passages, audiovisual materials, short videos, illustrated and animated 3-d dictionaries, games and activities providing speaking and writing feedback and within-group interactions providing collaborative learning. The aim and the target audience of the studies to be made for the purpose of web-based distant Turkish teaching should be specified and materials should be designed in line with this aim. Before designing materials, a syllabus should be prepared. A modular instruction should.be designed as integrated in itself, in a way to help students learn by themselves and as composed of the modules complementing one another functionally (Uşun, 2012). Starting from this context, in line with the prepared syllabus, contents can be written according to the language levels suggested by CEFR (A-1, A-2, B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2). For this purpose, some practices such as the followings can be prepared (Nunan, 1988).: While preparing materials, the ages, genders, levels and computer using experiences of students should be taken into consideration. According to the result of the present study, it seems inappropriate to prepare a program in line with a single teaching method for the webbased language teaching. In the general characteristics of the common suggestions framework of CEFR, too, it is argued that it is not appropriate to stick to a single theory or method unconditionally. Although a lot of methods and theories have been developed until today in relation to language teaching, it is seen that the teaching principles suggested by “Communicative Method, Functional-Notional Method, Audiovisual Method and Cognitive Method" provide conveniences for the web-based practices. In the present study, it was observed that the web contributed a lot to language teaching. Again, as a result of this study, it was found that our students used the ULUTOMER Facebook page very effectively. It was observed that the explanations and practices in the files uploaded by the teaching staff members in relation to the subjects made a great contribution to their learning Turkish.


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  • Doğan, C. (2012). Sistematik Yabancı Dil Öğretim, Yaklaşımlar ve Yöntemler. Ensar Neşriyat. İstanbul.
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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem