Bu çalışmada, Eski Türklerden günümüze kadar gelen Türk İslam kültüründe sağlıklı, dengeli ve helal beslenmede Hz Muhammed (s.a.v)'in öğretisi üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıca eski Türklerden günümüze kadar Türk mutfak kültürü ve yeme içme alışkanlıklarının tarihsel süreci özetlenmiştir. Beslenme, insanoğlunun yaşamını devam ettirebilmesi için gerekli olan bir ihtiyaçtır. Toplumun beslenme kültürünü o toplumun yaşam şeklini. Yaşam şeklinin değişmesi, beslenme alışkanlıkları ve kültürünün değişmesinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Türk mutfağı, dünyanın en önemli mutfakları arasında yer alır. Asya ve Anadolu mutfak kültürünün sunmuş olduğu ürünler çeşitli olup Selçuklu ve Osmanlı saraylarında gelişen yeni tatlar, bugünkü Türk Mutfak kültürünün çeşitlenmesine ve şekillenmesine neden olur. Türklerin Müslüman olması ile yeme içme alışkanlıkları üzerine dini inanışların etkisi görülmektedir. Ayrıca Türkler Müslüman olmadan önce bile çok değişik hayvanlar yetiştirmişolmalarına rağmen her ne kadar değişik dinlere inanmış olsalar bile, İslam dinine yakın bir hayat yaşamaktaydılar. Türkler, Müslüman olmadan önce bile domuz beslememişler, domuz eti ve domuzdan üretilmiş bir gıda tüketmemişlerdir. Türklerin Anadolu'ya gelişi ile birlikte mutfak anlayışlarında önemli değişiklik olmuştur. Anadolu Selçukluları bu dönemde mükemmel bir mutfak kültürü geliştirmişlerdir. Selçuklularda genel olarak kuşluk ve aksam (zevale) yemeği olmak üzere iki öğün yemek yenirdi. Kuşluk, sabahla öğlen arasında yapılmaktaydı. Kuşluk öğününde tok tutan yemekler tercih edilmekteydi. Aksam yemeğinde ise çeşit boldur ve hava kararmadan yenmekteydi. Bu iki öğün arasında acıkanlar ise ayran, şerbet gibi içecekler ve meyvelerle açlıklarını giderip akşam öğününü beklerlerdi. Sabah yenen umumiyetle çorba, peynir ve ekmekten ibarettir. Onlar için, yemek sırasında gelen insanlara sofralarını açmak kadar tabii bir şey olamazdı. İnsanoğlunun ana gıdası olan ekmeğe karşı sonsuz hürmetleri vardı. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde Türk mutfak kültürü, saray mutfağı ve halk mutfağı olmak


In this study, It was focused on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 's teachings in healthy, balanced and halal diet through out TurkishIslamic culture since ancient Turkish period. This study aims for the exploring the Turkish kitchen culture and eating and drinking habits throughout the history. Eating is the most important need for human beings to survive. A society’s life-style reflects its nutritional culture also. A change in life-style is an important factor on a society’s nutritional habits and nutritional culture. Changes of lifestyle has an important role on eating habits and the change of culture. Turkish kitchen culture is one of the most important kitchen in the world. Interactions with other cultures, varied productions served by Asian and Anatolian kitchens, new tastes arose in Selcuk and Ottoman palaces are all played important roles in the variation and development of current Turkish kitchen. Moreover, even before the Turks being Muslim, although they produce different animals, even although believed to different religion, they used to lived a very close life to Islamic belief. It was focused on lifestyle and advice of Hz. Muhammed (pbuh) on healthy and balanced nutrition. The Turks, even before being the Muslim they did not feed the pigs and never consume a food made from pork. There have been important changes in the kitchen concept with the arrival of the Turks in Anatolia. Anatolian Seljuks have developed an excellent culinary culture in this period. Seljuks generally used to eaten two meals named "mid-morning" and “dinner” which was eaten before the sun set. Mid-morning were held between morning and noon. Satiated holding food was preferred in mid-morning meal. Dinners have plenty of varieties of food and was to eaten before the dark. The hungry people some times were drink buttermilk, sherbets with fruit juices between these two meals. Dinner generally consists of bread, soup and cheese. Finally, the coffee was drunk. For them, for the people who come during dinner it is natural to invite them to the dinner table. Muslims generally used to eat less food. Mankinds had infinite respect for the bread. Turkish cuisine culture is divided into two as the palace cuisine and folk cuisine during Ottoman Empire. Place cuisine was a spectacular meals are prepared for the people of the sultan and sofas. Today, humanity, in general, is conditioned for eating three meals a day. When the meal time comes, person feels psychological discomfort because of our stomach enlarge and grow and a false sense of hunger may consists by the results of a conditional reflex. Today, many of the 72 Ali BATU Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 diseases are estimated because of over eating. The amount of energy that already recommended by nutrition scientists in nutrition books can be over the real requirement for a balanced diet. So, the amount of energy is to be taken daily should emphasis again and it will be appropriate to determine the amount of energy again. Dietary foods taken daily performing an energy accumulation over than the body need and this can lead to the occurrence of toxic effects on the body. These Ones can return pathogenic substances by the time. More food may also cause obesity. The protein content of high food should be consumed for a balanced diet. If red meat which is important for a healthy life consumed less can cause disease due to iron and vitamin deficiency. For this, it is very important to consume a certain amount of red meat for a baby and young people in the age of development. Eating too much red meat is not good for health. Because it is difficult to digest meat food, it can also cause stomach distress, such as bloating and indigestion. That is why the harmness of eating more meat especially on the kidneys begin to form. In addition, it was focused on recommendations of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s lifestyle for a healthy and balanced nutrition. It was focused also on the benefits in the eating two meals a day and life style of Prophet Muhammad for human health for the proper nutrition form. The importance of halal bite parenting was indicated. However, in order to consume halal food, it has also emphasized the importance of halal food production. Having two meals in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, but these two meals not eaten too much, with a high probability in order to be more healthier. Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) has recommended to consume only two meals by abanding the lunch. This is known as "diet according to the Sunnah" Halal food also very important for halal nutrition. Halal is an Arabic word that means permitted by Allah or lawful. Interests were related to halal food has emerged in Turkey in the 1970s. This orientation began with margarine suspicions by religious belief peoples and it was continued to ensure that the daily meat requirement from religious butchers. For these reasons, a devout Muslim has been in constant search for halal food. They refrained from suspicious circumstances. A large group of precision people are closely concerned with this issue, but the communities, foundations and associations have produced their own solutions. However, these solutions have been useful for only themselves, but it was not helpfull for a large portion of society those have been suffering from same problems. Production of halal food in Islamic countries in recent years started with halal certification. For this reason Halal Certificate gained importance in the world as well as in Turkey. During this period, some private and public institutions in Turkey started to supply a Halal certificate. Although there were many halal certifier body in Turkey and the world, there is no unity between them in terms of standards. Halal foods are allowed under Islamic dietary guidelines. According to these guidelines gathered from the Qu'ran and Hadith, Muslim followers cannot consume pork or its by-products, animals that were dead prior to slaughter, animals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allah, blood and blood by-products, alcohol, carnivorous animals and birds of prey etc. Halal certification is a document given by trustworthy, competent and Türk-İslam Kültüründe ve Günümüz Dengeli, Sağlıklı ve Helal Beslenmede… 73 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 impartial institution to a food manufacturer to confirm compliance of production to the halal standards according to an approved method.


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