Türk Dünyası, bugünün dünyasında bağımsız devletleri, özerk yapıları ve başka devletlerin egemenliği altında yaşayan büyük veya küçük toplulukları kapsayan büyük bir nüfusu ve geniş bir coğrafyayı ifade eden bir kavram olarak dikkatleri çekmektedir. Türk Dünyası, sözü edilen geniş coğrafyanın karmaşık tarihi de dikkate alındığında, zaman ve mekan bağlamında dinamik bir gerçeklik olarak da kendini göstermektedir. Ortak bir zaman ve mekandan, geniş bir coğrafyaya ve çeşitli tarihsel hikayelere doğru genişleyen Türk Dünyası'nın, yine kendi içinden yükselecek siyasi, sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik bir ilgiye de ihtiyaç duyduğu açıktır. Böyle bir ilginin bilimsel bir bileşeni olarak, sosyal bilimsel bir çabanın önemini de vurgulamaya gerek bile yoktur. Bu çalışma da söz konusu sosyal bilimsel bir ilginin türevidir Türk Dünyası tutum ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi, konuyla ilgili literatüre önemli katkılar sunacaktır. Ayrıca, bireylerin Türk Dünyası'na yönelik tutumlarının bilişsel, duyuşsal ve davranışsal boyutta belirlenmesi, ilgili kişi, kurum ve kuruluşlara yön verecek veriler ortaya koyacaktır. Araştırmada, veri toplama yöntemi olarak iki temel bölümden oluşan anket kullanılmış. Anketin birinci bölümünde katılımcıların bazı bireysel özeliklerine (cinsiyet, yaş, gelir durumu, medeni durum, meslek vb.) yer verilmiş, ikinci bölümde ise bilişsel, duyuşsal ve davranışsal olmak üzere üç boyutta Türk Dünyası tutum ölçeğine yönelik maddeler yer almıştır. Araştırmanın evreni, Afyonkarahisar il merkezindeki kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarında görev yapan bireylerden oluşturmuştur. Bu kapsamda, zaman, maliyet vb. kısıtlardan dolayı örneklem alınma yoluna gidilmiş olup, uygun örnekleme yöntemi ve formül aracılığıyla hesaplanacak minimum örneklem hacmi belirlenerek, anket uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler, betimsel istatistiklerin yanı sıra geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleriyle incelenerek ölçeğe son hâli verilmiştir


The Turkish world is attracting attention in today's world as a concept that expresses a large population and a large geographical area that includes independent states, autonomous structures and large or small communities under the sovereignty of other states. The Turkish World also manifests itself as a dynamic reality in the context of time and space, given the complex history of the vast geography in question. It is clear that the Turkish world, which is expanding towards a common time and place, a wide geography and various historical stories, also needs a political, socio-cultural, economic excitement to rise from within itself. As a scientific component of such an interest, it does not even have to underline the importance of a social scientific effort. This study is also a derivative of social scientific interest. This issue will contribute to the related literature. Moreover, determination of individuals’ attitudes towards Turkish World in cognitive, affective, and behavioural dimensions will enable sensibilities that will lead related people, institutions, and organizations. In the current study, a questionnaire consisting of two main parts was used as the data collection method. In the first part of the questionnaire, some personal characteristics of the participants (gender, age, income state, marital status, and occupation, etc.) were stated, and items related to the Turkish World attitude scale in three dimensions as cognitive, affective and behavioural ones were placed in the second part. In this scope, sampling method was applied due to some limitations including time and cost, and a survey was carried out by determining minimum sampling size which would be calculated through proper sampling method and formula. The final form of the scale was established by investigating the obtained data using descriptive statistics and validity and reliability analyses By the attitude scale which is tried to develop in this study that can be said that there may be contribution to the valuable information production process about how is the Turkish World perception general in Turkish World. Even it can inspire to the new massive and dimensional studies to produce information about what kind of changes does the perception of Turkish World within the frame of time and place. The need to these kinds of studies must be executed inside of the Turkish World must also be mentioned. The aim of this study is to develop an attitude scale for Turkish World in cognitive, emotional and behavioral dimensions. In the study, as data collection method, a questionnaire is used which is formed from two main sections. In the first section of the questionnaire includes some of the demographical features of the responders (like gender, marital status, age, education level, profession and whether he/she has been in any Turkish World Country). The second section of the questionnaire includes 33 items about the attitude scale for Turkish World in cognitive, emotional and behavioral dimensions. The population of the study is composed of the people working at the state institutions and organizations in the city center of the Afyonkarahisar province. With in this context because of the time, money etc. restrictions, a sample is choosed according to stratified sampling method considering the different occupational groups, genders, ages etc. The questionnaire is applied to 600 participants. Statistical analysis are conducted over 526 questionnaires because of some no filled and wrong filled questionnaires. To analyze the collected data, some descriptive statistics (frequency, ratio, mean, standard deviation) is used. For the internal consistency of scale and the subscales, reliability analysis is applied. As a result of the reliability analysis, 8 items are removed from the scale. Besides explanatory factor analysis is applied to the Turkish World attitude scale. Results of the explanatory factor analysis which is applied for the Turkish world attitude scale are given in table 5. Results show that while emotional dimension explains 30.88 % of the variance cognitive dimension and behavioral dimension explains 16.99% and 12.76 % of the variance respectively. It can be understand from these results that Turkish World perceptions of the responders are much about their emotional dimension. Descriptive statistics related with the cognitive dimension of the Turkish world attitute scale are given in Table 6. When mean scores were evaluated, it was revealed that the items expressing the most positive opinions were “B11- The Turkish World can be an alternative power to the European Union for our country” and “B3- I have sufficient information about the concept of Turkish World.” Thus, the result obtained from this point was that the participants had sufficient information about Turkish World in line with their own opinions, and they considered it as an alternative power to the European Union. While 24% of the participants reported their negative opinions choosing “Strongly Disagree” or “Partially Agree” for the item “B11-Turkish World can be an alternative power to the European Union for our country”, 49,8% maintained a positive attitude preferring the options “Agree” and “Strongly Agree”. These descriptive statistics revealed that Turkish World Union should be thought as an alternative to the European Union politically and efforts in this direction should be accelerated. In the cognitive dimension of the Turkish World Attitude Scale, the items having the lowest means, are; "B9 have enough information about the Turkish World Literature” and “B8- I have enough information about the Turkish Dialects”, while the 57,4% of the participants expressed negative opinion with the options of “strongly disagree” and “partially agree”, 14,2% of the participants expressed positive opinion with the options of “agree” and “strongly agree”. The result obtained from these descriptive statistics revealed that a significant percentage of the participants did not have enough information regarding the Turkish Dialects and Literatures. In line with this result, the following suggestions can be made:1. The information about the Turkish Dialects and Literatures given from the primary school education is not sufficient in the current educational system. For this reason, it should be enabled to give sufficient information about the Turkish Dialects and Literatures by reviewing the present curriculums. 2. The informative programs about the Turkish World Literatures and Turkish Dialects should be increased through visual, audio, and written social media tools including television, radio, internet environment and social media, so on. The descriptive statistics of the affective dimension of the Turkish World Attitude Scale are presented in Table 7. According to the arithmetic mean values, the items about which the participants had a more positive attitude than the other items were: "DU14- Vacation and tour programs oriented to the Turkish World will make us familiar” and “DU1- I am concerned about the lives of the Turks in the countries of the Turkish World”. Starting from this point, the authorities should perform or should get the required works performed for the organization of the vacation and tour programs to the countries of the Turkish World by considering the outcomes of the current study regarding the high rate of the participants concerned about the life in the countries of the Turkish World and by giving priority to the publicity of the countries of the Turkish World. The items about which the participants had a negative attitude on the affective level were the items “DU9- Sufficient information-education about the Turkish World is given to our children” and “DU8 – I find the written- visual publications about the Turkish World adequate”. These results revealed that a sufficient amount of information-education about the Turkish World was not provided to our children in the educational system. Moreover, it was also detected that the written and visual media about the Turkish World was not adequate. Suggestions regarding this case can be made as: 1- In the educational system, sufficient amounts of informationeducation about the Turkish World oriented to the children should be provided starting from the primary school. The Turkish World should be introduced through the characteristics including geographical, historical, religious, literary, political, cultural, and so on. 2- A sufficient amount of presentation should be performed about the Turkish World in the written and visual media, and programs introducing the Turkish World with its geographical, historical, religious, literary, political, cultural characteristics should be prepared. The descriptive statistics of the behavioural dimension of the Turkish World Attitude Scale are presented in Table 8. According to the arithmetic mean values, the item about which the participants had a more positive attitude than the other item was: “DA6- When I see somebody coming from the Turkish World, I meet with /speak to this person”. Starting from this point, we can say that the participants were interested in the Turkish World and anybody coming from the Turkish World. This case showed us that the participants would contribute to the concept of Turkish World in the behavioural level. This case revealed the necessity of the fact that the authorities should develop projects in order to enable an increase the contact between the Turkish World and the Turks in Turkey. As it was stated in Table 7 in which the descriptive statistics about the affective dimension of the Turkish World Attitude Scale were presented, the positive attitude towards the item “DU14- Vacation and tour programs oriented to the Turkish World will make us familiar” supported the negative attitude towards the item “DA3- I follow/join in the vacation and tour programs oriented to the Turkish World”. In line with this finding, the necessity of organising reciprocal vacation and tour programs oriented to the Turkish World was presented to us and the competent authorities and organs


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