Siyasal hayattaki çeşitli figürler siyasal alanda bulunan bireylerin davranışlarına yön veren en temel unsurlardır. Bu bağlamda siyasal liderler de bu figürlerin en başında gelmektedir. Türk siyasal hayatı incelendiğinde birçok siyasal liderin ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Özellikle yakın dönem incelendiğinde (1960-2000 arası) Süleyman Demirel, Alparslan Türkeş ve Bülent Ecevit gibi liderlerin kurdukları partilerin önüne geçtikleri görülmektedir. Fakat Necmettin Erbakan'ın bu genellemenin dışında kalmıştır. Ortaya çıkartmış olduğu Milli Görüş Hareketi ile Türkiye'de dindar bireylerin örgütlenmesi ve siyasal hayata katılması bağlamında ciddi katkılar sağlamıştır. Akademisyen, siyasetçi ve mütefekkir kimlikleri ile bir dava adamı olarak bilinen Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan dönemine göre kimi zaman hayal olarak nitelendirilen fikirleri ve sıra dışı icraat ve söylemleri ile Türk siyasi hayatına damgasını vurmuştur. Çalışmamızın temelini oluşturan Necmettin Erbakan'ın dış politika konusundaki görüşleri ile de alışılmışın dışına çıkarak tarihteki yerini almıştır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Erbakan'ın politik vizyonunun Türk Dış Politikasına etkilerini ortaya koyarak Türk Dış Politika geleneğine yapmış olduğu katkıları incelemek ve örnek olaylar ile bu savı güçlendirmektir. Bu çerçevede çalışmanın kavramsal çerçevesinin oluşturulması için Erbakan'ın ortaya koyduğu perspektif; parti programları, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi konuşmaları, sözlü ve yazılı ifadelerinden yararlanılarak ele alınacaktır, ayrıca ikincil veri türlerinden olan dokümantasyonel kaynaklardan, çok kaynaklı raporlardan yararlanılacaktır


The various figures in political life are the most fundamental elements that guide the behavior of individuals in the political arena. In this context, political leaders are at the top of these figures. When the Turkish political life is examined, it is seen that many political leaders have come to the forefront. Particularly in the recent period , it is seen that leaders like Süleyman Demirel, Alparslan Türkeş and Bülent Ecevit have come to the front of the parties. But Necmettin Erbakan remained out of this generalization. He has made significant contributions in the context of organizing religious individuals and participating in political life in Turkey with the Milli Görüs Movement which he has revealed. Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan, known as academics, politicians and thinkers and a case man, has marked his political life with his ideas and extraordinary practices and discourses, which are sometimes regarded as dreams. Necmettin Erbakan, who forms the basis of our work, has taken its place in history by being out of the ordinary with the views of foreign policy. The main aim of this study is to examine the contributions of Erbakan's political vision to the Turkish foreign policy and to strengthen his argument with case studies. The perspective put forward by Erbakan for the formation of the conceptual framework of working in this framework; Party programs will be addressed through the Turkish Grand National Assembly speeches, verbal and written expressions, as well as multi-source reports from documentary sources of secondary data types.The founders of the Republic of Turkey which was established after many years of war, have been in the effort to build a new state as well as a new society. They aimed to reconstructing state institutions, roads, bridges, railroads, cities and also create a modern Turkish society which had come with same understanding of westernization since the Tanzimat. So, westernization has shown itself not only with structural reforms, but also with reforms aimed at westernization of society at the same time. Although this aimed to create a modern society, it brought with it a number of problems. The most important of these is the relationship of religious people living in Turkey with politics. After a long, one-party government, the multi-party system turnover, the devout Muslim community in the conservative sector, began to become interested in politics and tried to occupy themselves in the new democracy. Although this situation has led to concerns for religion being a tool in politics, how the Muslims will take place in a secular and democratic system has brought the questions. Politicians have searched for ways to get the votes of religious people instead of solving this problem. For this reason, most politicians have tried to manage both secularism and religious divisions, sometimes with the emphasis of secularism, sometimes explanations of religious feelings. With Necmettin Erbakan establishing the National Salvation Party, people who have only voted before have now actively supported politics by taking part in provincial and district or even neighborhood organizations. Erbakan gave importance to the political consciousness of the religious people by reducing the party work as much as possible and aimed to include the active politics of the people. But the biggest problem in front of the religious community is how they will adapt to concepts such as Western, modernism, secularism and secularism. When the Turkish political life is examined, it is seen that many political leaders have come to the forefront. Particularly in the recent period (1960-2000), it is seen that leaders like Süleyman Demirel, Alparslan Türkeş and Bülent Ecevit have come to the front of the parties. But Necmettin Erbakan is out of this general. Through the Movement of National View (Milli Gorus Movement) , which is founded by him, it has made considerable contributions especially in the context of organization of religious individuals in Turkey and participation in political life. Necmettin Erbakan, who has been described as an academician, politician and distinguished personality as well as a case man at the same time, his periodic actions, and his rhetoric, which are considered as dreams, have marked his Turkish political life. The basis of our work, Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan's foreign policy was also out of the ordinary with his views on the subject of history. The main aim of this study is to examine the contributions of Erbakan's political vision to the Turkish foreign policy and to strengthen his argument with case studies. The perspective put forward by Erbakan to form the conceptual framework of working in this framework; Party programs were discussed with the speeches of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) and oral and written expressions. However, documentation sources from the secondary data types have benefited from multi-source reports. We can point out that Erbakan's Turkish foreign policy, which is known to be in the foreground with his Islamic thoughts in Turkish political life, is abandoned from Western-oriented foreign politics, which is seen as the indispensable and only alternative of Turkish foreign policy, and produces different alternatives and expresses this situation continuously in his speeches. It seems that he set up D-8 as a forefront in the development of economic and political relations with Islamic countries in the face of western-oriented foreign policy. This situation seems to take Turkey back to the western side of the Turkish Foreign Policy, but in fact it had positive aspects in Western-oriented foreign policies. As a matter of fact, Turkey's being a NATO country constituted an obstacle to the independence of the US in its solution to the Cyprus issue. However, the government of the CHP-MSP Coalition, which is also a partner of Erbakan, moved troops to Cyprus with an unexpected move and changed the historical course of the incident. The attitude of the waters in the Cyprus problem and the embargo on Turkey after the Cyprus operation justified the idea that there should be different alternatives in foreign policy. Necmettin Erbakan's particular point about foreign policy was that in the New World Order designed after the Second World War nations were divided into two groups, exploiting and exploiting, to make a division of labor in the underdeveloped and developing countries to serve the colonial states. For this purpose, the terrorist organizations are financed and the Middle East is turned into a terrorist base, and the hypocritical policies of the West against PKK terror are the most obvious examples of this situation. Indeed, he pointed the absence of such terrorist organizations in Western countries is not because Western societies are educated and benevolent, but because they do not provoke and armed them. Erbakan argues that this is a systematic application of colonial states to the Middle Eastern countries for the purpose of controlling energy resources as a conscious game and that Turkey is also a regional actor in its historical mission advocating the establishment of peacemaking, political and economic co-operation in its own geography. The outcome of this study; Erbakan's advocate of foreign policy is not just a simple western opposition. On the contrary, it is the proposal of a solution for a better world and the objection of the colonial plan which oozes material and spiritual values, owes its existence to the exploitation of other societies. According to Necmettin Erbakan, his foreign policies to be followed are not only for the interests of Turkey, but for all the countries in the world. It should be designed to serve the establishment of a just world order in which the revenues of the world are fairly shared, that is not allowed to colonize, the whole world can live in peace and happiness and without discrimination of language, religion and race.


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