Hz. Peygamber'in doğumundan vefatına kadar olan hayatını konu edinen ilme siyer denilmektedir. Siyer, tarihin belirli bir döneminden bahsettiği için tarih ilmiyle, Hz. Peygamber'in söz, fiil ve takrirleriyle ilgilendiği için de hadis ilmi ile ilgilidir. Bu yüzden siyer ve sünnetin veya siyer ile hadisin yakın ilişki içinde olan iki ilim dalı olduğu söylenebilir. Siyer ilmine kaynaklık eden eserler içerisinde hadis kitapları da bulunmaktadır. Bu kitaplardan biri temel hadis kaynakları içinde sayılan Tirmizî'nin Sünen adlı eseridir. Tam adı Ebû Îsâ Muhammed b. Îsâ b. Sevre olan Tirmizî, (ö. 279/892) Kütüb-i Sitte'den el-Câmiu'ssahîh'in/Sünen'in musannıfı meşhur bir muhaddistir. Tirmizî hadis ilminde önde gelen âlimlerden biridir. Bir muhaddiste bulunması gereken öğrendiği hadisleri derleme, tasnif etme, ezberleme ve müzakere etme vasıflarının Tirmizî'de bulunduğu söylenmiştir. Tirmizî'nin şüphesiz en önemli eseri Sünenü't-Tirmizî, Câmiu't-Tirmizî, Sahîhu't-Tirmizî, elCâmiu's-sahîh, el-Müsnedü's-sahîh, el-Câmiu'l-kebîr gibi değişik adlarla kaynaklara geçmiş olan ve daha çok Sünenü't-Tirmizî adıyla meşhur olan eserdir. Hadis kaynaklarının değişik yerlerinde siyer ile ilgili rivayetler bulunmaktadır. Ancak siyer başlığı altında veya cihad adlı bölümlerde bu tür rivayetler yoğunlaşmaktadır. Tirmizî de diğer muhaddisler gibi siyer rivayetlerine verdiği önemden dolayı ayrı bir bölüm açmış ve ilgili rivayetleri oraya toplamayı tercih etmiş görünmektedir. Bu çalışmada hadisin siyere kaynaklık etmesinin daha net görülebilmesi açısından Tirmizî'nin siyer bölümü üzerinde değerlendirmelerde bulunulacaktır


It is called siyer, which takes the life of the Prophet from birth to death. Siyer is related to the hadith as it relates to a certain period of history and therefore to the knowledge of history, the Prophet's words, conduct and approval. Therefore, it can be said that there are two scientists who are closely related to the hadith. Hadith books are also included in the works which are the origin of Siyer science. One of these books is the Sunen of Tirmizi, which is included in the main sources of hadith. His full name is Abu Îsâ Muhammad b. Îsâ b. Sevre et-Tirmizi (d. 279/892), is a well-known detainee of the Sunan / al-Jamiu's-sahih from Kütüb-i Sitte. Tirmizi is one of the leading scholars in the science of hadith. It is said that the qualifications of compiling, sorting, memorizing and negotiating the hadiths that he should be found in a correspondent are said to be in Tirmizi. Tirmizi's undoubtedly the most important work of his time has been passed on to sources with different names such as Sunanü't-Tirmizi, Jâmiu't-Tirmizi, Sahîhu't-Tirmizî, al-Jâmiu's-sahîh, al-Musnedūs-sahîh, al-Câmiu'l-kebir It is rather famous with the name of Sunanü't-Tirmizi. There are of course stories related to siyer various places of Hadith sources. However, such stories are concentrated in sections titled siyer or Jihad. Tirmizi, like other writers, has opened a separate chapter because of the importance it gives to the narrations of the siyer, and the related narrations seem to prefer the collection there. In this study, evaluations will be made on the Siyer section of Tirmizi in order that the hadith can be seen as a sour source more clearly Tirmidhi is one of the leading scholar in the science of Hadith. It is said that the skills of compiling, classifying, memorizing and discussing what they need to know in one's knowledge are found in Tirmidhi. Tirmidhi is one of the few hadith scholars who know perfectly well the hidden flaws that are difficult to detect. He proved that he had criticized a strong hadith with the works he brought to the field in the field of İlel. Because of this competence, Tirmidhi did not mind taking some weak hadiths in cases where he could not find authentic hadith on a subject he wanted to acquire, but he explained how reliable they are by evaluating their sened. Some scholars said that because of his authority his work had to take third place after Sahihayn. While choosing hadiths, Tirmidhi said that he paid particular attention to accepting a hadith as evidence, and he claimed that all the narrations in his work carries the quality of hadith done by himself. One of Tirmidhi's services to the hadith knowledge is the special meaning he brings to the term of Hasen. This term is used in the second century (hijri) in the sense of a dictionary, but Tirmidhi was the first to use the term as a term. The order of the subjects and the titles of the subjects are determined, and Tirmidhi's influence is particularly influenced by her teacher Bukhârî, and there are also points from her. The beginning of the work with "Kitâbü't-tahâre" is a distinctive feature of using the word "ebvâb" instead of "kitâb" while giving chapter names and putting a record of "an resûlillâh sallallahu alayhi wa sallam" every time to indicate that hadiths are merfu. In the work mavkuf and maktu hadiths are mentioned while only merfy hadiths are evaluated. Tirmidhi firstly states the reliability of the hadiths and the reliability ratings of the traditionists in each bab-title, then reveals the illusions in the news, the other ways of the hadith and the views of fiqh scholars. If there are rumors from other prophet's friends (sahabe) about that subject, they also point to them by saying "ve fi’l-bâbi an fülân". This practice, which is seen only in Tirmidhi, is similar to the principle of Muslim avoidance by collecting all the senes of the hadiths at the same time and at the same time it is considered as a kind of evil of the hadiths. Among the 46 episodes in this famous work of Tirmidhi are the 19th Ebvâb's-Siyer. It is known that Tirmidhi used the term “ebvâb “instead of the “kitab”. This section also consists of 48 subtitles (bab) and 70 rumors (rivayet). When Bukhârî's work reveals the stories of siyer and megazi, it is seen that he preferred the news to be known instead of giving all the details about an event. A similar finding can be made for other works. Because this approach is an attitude that scholars show when they compile news. In the Bukhari and Muslim works, the division has given the name "kitabu’s-siyer ve’l-cihad". Again, the denomination of the narrations in the same subject, Nesai, Abu Dawud and Ibn Ma'ce Sunans the name of the relevant chapter is just "kitabu’l-cihad" is passed. The great majority of the reports Tirmidhi has recorded in the siyer section are also found in other sources of Kütüb-i Sitte. For example, the first of the two stories mentioned above is in chapter 82 in the Jihad section of Sunan of Abu Dawud and the second is in section 91 in the chapter Jihad of Sunan of Abu Dawud. We can say that the narrations mostly correspond to the narrations of Sunan of Abu Dawud and secondly to the hadiths of Muslim’s al-Jamiu's-sahih. Some narratives also have the same content as the narrations of Bukhari's al-Jamiu'ssahih. According to this, when 70 narrations in the Siyer section are examined, it is seen that Tirmidhi has evaluated “hasen-sahih” for 38 and “hasen” for 5 of them. Ten gave the “hasen-garib” judgment for narration. He gave a “garib” to one of them. Nine of them were not evaluated. This shows that most of the narrations in the relevant section are regarded as favorable by Tirmidhi. Of course, there are narrations about siyer at various places of the hadith works. However, such stories are concentrated in the sections titled Siyer or Jihad. Tirmizi, like other writers, has opened a separate chapter because of the importance it gives to the narrations of the siyer, and the related narrations seem to prefer the collection there. In this respect, it can be said that his work has an important place and reputation in terms of siyer and megazi. How the works of the Bukhari and the Muslim are an important source of siyer is also a source feature of Tirmidhi's al-Jamiu's-sahih. In addition, a great majority of the reports contained in his work are included in other sources of Kütüb-i Sitte, especially al-Jâmiu's-sahîhs of Bukhari and Muslim, Sunan of Dârimî and Ahmed bin Hanbal's Musned. Although this can not guarantee credibility, it is important that it supports the rumors.


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