Gündelik yaşamda olduğu gibi bilimsel toplulukta da, dünyalar/paradigmalar sözle kurulur ve sözle yıkılır. Söz doğru olarak kullanıldığında o kadar güçlüdür ki, varlığı Varlığa dönüştürür. Onun bu gücünün farkına varıldığı içindir ki, günümüzde tarihin hiçbir döneminde olmadığı kadar söz üzerine konuşulmakta ve yazılar kaleme alınmaktadır. Fakat son dönemlerde söz, sahip olduğu bu müthiş gücü kaybetmeye başlamıştır. Çünkü her şeyde olduğu gibi sözün de fütursuzca kullanımı onun hem yaratıcı hem de yıkıcı özelliğini kaybetmesine neden olmaktadır. Diğer taraftan özellikle son iki yüzyılda söz o kadar çok ön plana çıkarılmıştır ki, en nihayetinde onun bir araç olduğu unutulmuştur. Her şeyden önce söz (içsel ve dışsal) hakikati ortaya çıkarmak için kullanılması gereken bir araçtır. Diğer taraftan psikolojik bakış açısı bize, sözün gücünü bizatihi kendisinden değil, gerisinde bulunan deneyim, duygu ve dürtü gibi içsel süreç ve yapılardan aldığını söyler. Tüm bu gerçekler gözden kaçırıldığı içindir ki modern birey sözü, gerçeği ortaya çıkarmak ya da düşünce ve duygularını ifade etmek için değil, tam tersine hakikati örtmek ve iç dünyasında ortaya çıkan gerilimden kurtulmak için kullanmaya başlamıştır. Böylelikle söz bir boşaltım/tahliye aracına dönüşmüştür. Bu süreçle birlikte modern birey aslında sadece kendi iç dünyasını değil, farkında olmadan kendisine miras bırakılan kadim kelime ve kavramların da anlam ve içeriklerini boşaltmaktadır. Bu kadim kavramlardan birisi de vicdandır. Bir zamanlar kendine has nitelikleriyle herkes tarafından anlaşılır bir kavram olan vicdanın, bu son süreçle birlikte hem gündelik hem de bilimsel konuşma ve yazılarda çok farklı anlam ve türevlerde kullanılmaya başlanması onun garip, ayrıksı ve problematik bir kavrama dönüşmesine yol açmıştır. Diğer taraftan hiç kimse bu kavramın tam olarak ne anlama geldiğini ve hangi içsel süreçleri dile getirdiğini sorgulamamaktadır. Daha da ilginci herkes böyle bir araştırmadan uzak durmayı tercih etmektedir. Örneğin; bir sağaltım sürecinin neredeyse tamamına yakın bir bölümü, vicdan fenomeni etrafında şekilleniyor olmasına karşın, başta psikanalistler olmak üzere psikologlar bu kavramdan uzak durmaktadır. Fakat şu anda önümüzde duran tablo oldukça riskli bir duruma işaret etmektedir. Üstelik bu risk sadece akademik dünyayı değil; aynı zamanda tüm toplumu da tehdidi altına almış durumdadır. Çünkü gündelik yaşamda, kaçınılmaz bir şekilde kendi içsel sesini duyan ve bu sese güvenerek eylemde bulunan bir bireyin, bu olguyu açıklayacak veya değerlendirecek bir bilgi ya da kurama sahip olmaması ya da sahip olduklarının da altının her geçen gün oyulması onu hem kendisinden hem de çevresindeki insanlardan biraz daha uzaklaştırmaktadır. Nitekim bu süreçte insanlık, yaşamı yaşanmaya değer kılan en önemli değerlerden ikisini yani güven ve kesinlik hislerini biraz daha kaybetmektedir. Bunun içindir ki bu hayati fenomen en ayrıntılı şekilde araştırılmalıdır. Biz bu fenomeni üç makale serisi içinde inceleme ve araştırmayı uygun gördük. Üçlü serinin bu ilk makalesinde söz-vicdan ilişkisi, vicdan fenomeninin iç psişik dünyadaki temel dinamikleri ve onun dört temel türünden ikisini oluşturan ontik ve moral vicdan kavramları ayrıntılı şekilde incelenecektir


Words/paradigms are founded and demolished through words in a scientific community as in daily life. When used correctly, a word is so powerful that it converts being into Being. Today, we are talking over writing about ‘word’ so much as we have never done so in any historical period because we are aware of the power of ‘word’. However, ‘word’ has started to lose the splendid power which it owns recently for the jaunty use of word, as in everything, causes it to lose its creative and destructive features. On the other hand, word has been brought into the forefront so much especially in the recent two centuries that we have forgotten word finally is a tool. First of all, ‘word’ is a means needed to be used to reveal the internal and external truth. Meanwhile, psychological point of view tells us that ‘word’ take its power from the internal process and structure such as experience, emotion and instinct which are available behind word not from itself. Modern individual has started to use ‘word’ so as the cover the truth and get rid of the stress which has occurred in his inner world rather than to reveal truth or to express his feelings and thoughts for all these facts are ignored. Therefore word has turned to a means of discharge/evacuation. Modern person unintentionally empties not only his inner world but also the content and the meaning of the traditional words and concepts which he has been inherited during this period. One of these eternal/traditional concepts is conscience. The commence of the use of the concept conscience, which once was comprehensible for everyone with its own qualifications, in different meanings and functions in daily and scientific speeches and written texts recently has caused this concept to be transformed into a weird, anomalous and a problematic one. On the other hand, no one questions what exactly this concept means and what kind of internal process it verbalizes. Another more interesting thing is that everybody prefers to stay away from such a research. For example, mainly psychoanalysts and psychologist keep away from this concept although nearly the whole period of treatment is shaped around the phenomenon of conscience but the present picture indicates quite a risky situation. Moreover, this risks threats not only the scientific world but also the whole public because the person who inescapably hears his inner voice and acts according to this voice in his daily life does not have any information or hypothesis to explain and evaluate this phenomenon and the carving of what he has day by day detracts the individual from himself and the people around him a little more. Thus, humanity is losing the senses of trust and precision, two of the most important concepts which make life worth living, some more in this period. That’s why this vital phenomenon, should be investigated thoroughly. We see it fit to examine and study this phenomenon in three series of essays. The detailed analysis of word-conscience relation, the basic dynamics of conscience phenomenon in the internal psychic world and the concepts of ontic and moral conscience which form two types of its four main types is aimed in the first essays of this tierce. We will try to follow the method of the founder fathers of psychoanalysis in order to actualize this purpose. That is to say, we will go from word to the depths of the personality first and then we will return to the Word The etymological analysis of the word conscience, which is used to express internal feeling/voice or power that helps the individual to distinguish good from bad in many languages, lead us to interesting consequences. This concept, which is expressed through the word conscience in English, gewissen in German, is derived from the Latin word conscientia which means “to know by with”. First of all, this etymological analysis implies that the phenomenon which we have named as conscience needs an object might be either any object in the outer world or any element that the individual has formed from his personality or body by using division mechanism. On the other hand, the same etymological analysis, tells us that it is special information or a consciousness form. Any information, which is produced by an unconscious structure or subject secretly leaks to conscious and presents it information about the instinct behind actions and their emotional value. A sense of precision is formed in the individual after this information or data reaches to lucid structure so the individual make a judgment by trusting this sense of precision. The basic feature of this judgment is that it is the one which reveals the subjective reference point of the individual. It distinguishes from the intellectual judgment which is general, impartial and objective with its this aspect. It will be seen that this phenomenon is composed of basically two parts when its all manifestations are investigated. According to this, a sublayer which is composed of unconscious structures and contents reveals a surface course which declares positive or negative judgment of the subject and, therefore, by the junction of this conscious item to the present structure, the phenomenon which we call as conscience is formed. Psychoanalysts assign the right of making decision in the psychic system to the conscious structure which they have named as ego. Therefore, the surface course which reveals in the form of an emotional judgment this decision in the conscious part of the personality is formed by the ego. This view has turned to a reality which is almost undoubtedly accepted among psychoanalysts but it is impossible to talk about the sublayer which is composed of subliminal processes and contents with the sense of the same certainty because our information regarding the subliminal region is quite limited. As the etymological analysis points, the concepts of conscience continuously stresses the state of conscious or consciousness. Psychoanalysts, add the knowing instinct, which they call as epistemophilic instinct, to the base of conscious and knowing action. By the help of these two facts, we can say that conscience is another type of instinct/archetype basically which is closely related to the knowing instinct of the conscience. Conceptualizing, the phenomenon which we call conscience as an instinct or an archetype basically will also bring along very interesting consequences because when a psychic content is an instinct or archetype this means that it is not formed as a result of personal experiences. Also, this psychic content moves independently from the conscious structure in the personality, carries in its body an energy which is big enough for the individual to live a numinous experience, composed of a form and contents, has a dualistic nature and vitality it has a teleological and prudential dimension. A psychic element which includes all these features is inescapable to penetrate first to personality layers then to all social living. However, the full opening of a psychic structure requires a certain period in individual and social living. Especially the occurrence of an instinct in an individual life with its all aspects happens as a condition for developmental stages. This structure which first rises as a simple instinct will turn to a psychic phenomenon which is continuously becoming complex in every layer of the personality along with the developmental stage. The interaction of this psychic unite with different contents in every layer will differentiate it from the points of structure and meaning. For this reason, it becomes impossible to examine conscience as a single structure and talk about its unique appearance. This fact makes us encounter with the problem of how many types of conscience there are. Conscience is classified as ontic, moral and ethic from the point of structure, as good or bad from the viewpoint of emotions it emerges in the individual and finally as subject and form in terms of its manifestations in this tierce essay series.


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