Osmanlı Devleti'nin Balkan topraklarına hâkim olmasıyla bölgede bilim, kültür ve sanat alanında önemli gelişmeler meydana gelmiştir. Her bir şehri ayrı bir kültür merkezi olan Balkanlarda birçok âlim, şair ve edip yetişmiştir. Balkanlardaki önemli kültür merkezlerinden biri, Zarifî ve Beyanî gibi Divan Edebiyatı'nın önde gelen isimlerine beşiklik etmiş olan Rusçuk'tur. Burada doğan âlim ve ediplerden biri de Osmanlının son döneminde yaşamış Mehmed Hayri'dir. Hayatı hakkında fazla bir bilgi olmayan Rusçuklu Mehmed Hayri daha çok gazete ve mecmualardaki yazılarıyla tanınmıştır. Çeşitli illerde memuriyet vazifelerinde bulunan Rusçuklu Mehmed Hayri, Muallim Naci'nin de dost yazılarının yer aldığı "Süha" isimli bir mecmua çıkarmış ve burada daha çok Klasik Türk Edebiyatı alanında yazılar kaleme almıştır. Klasik gelenekte şiirler yazan Rusçuklu Hayri'nin beş eseri tespit edilmiştir. Bunlardan biri Hz. Ömer'in hayatından bazı önemli kesitleri anlattığı Siyer-i Fârûk isimli mensur eseridir. 1303/1885 yılında matbu olarak basılan kitapta yazar öncelikle Hz. Ömer'in künyesini ve müslüman olmasını izah etmiştir. Daha sonra Hz. Ömer'in faziletlerini, onun zamanında yapılan Suriye, İran ve Filistin seferlerini; özellikle de Kadisiye Savaşını daha detaylı olarak ele almıştır. Eser son olarak Hz. Ömer'in şehit edilmesi ve hilyesinin anlatılmasıyla son bulur. Rusçuklu Hayri'nin şairliği ve belâgata vâkıf olması yazarın üslubunu etkilemiştir. Bu çalışmada Rusçuklu Mehmed Hayri hakkında bilgi verilmiş ve adı geçen kitap üzerinde inceleme yapılarak eserin metni neşredilmiştir


The important developments are seen the area of Science culture and art, when The Ottoman Empire to dominate the Balkan territory. Each city has a separate cultural center in the Balkans many scholars, literateur and poet were trained. One of the most important cultural centers is Ruse in the Balkans, where was the seat leading names of Divan Literature like Zarifî ve Beyani one of the ccholar and literateur, grown there Mehmet Hayri from Rusçuk at the late Ottoman. Not much is known about the life of Mehmet Hayri from Ruse is well-known for his writings in more newspapers and magazines. Mehmet Hayri from Ruse has held various provincial civil service duties; was published corpus where was in Muallim Naci’s friends writings, named “Süha” and mostly he written at about classical turkish literature in there. Siyer-i Fârûk is one of these prose works mentioned about the Hz. Omer life. The authour has explained Hz. Omer’s identifies and was a muslim in his book has published as printed in 1303/1885. Then he has worked through the virtues of Hz. Omer, in his time with Syria, Iran and the Palestinian campaigns, especially Kadisiye battle. The work, lastly ends by explaining the martyrdom of Hz. Omer and his hilyes. The poesy of Hayri from Rusçuk and has known rhetoric influenced his wording. In this work, given information about the Mehmet Hayri from Ruse and the book, mentioned was published by given an examination Interest of Turks to the Balkan territory has been related to from the early history. Lots of people have immigrated to these areas, especially at the time of the Ottoman Empire. Edirne, Gelibolu, Vardar, Uskup, Belgrad and cities such as this had been an important cultural center, until the conquest of Istanbul. Many mosques, madrasahs and libraries had been made in this area. Until recently the Ottaman Empire, it has grown up a lot of poets in the Balkan territory. It has been known about eighty five poets in Bulgaria where located in the Balkan territory. In this context, the city of Ruse, where is located in Bulgaria, has led to the most important person to Classical Turkish Literature. One of these writers and schoolman, lived in there, is Mehmed Hayri. There is no accessible information in the literature about when Hayri lived in the Ruse is born. We understand that he grows in Ruse, because the author puts his personal record of Ruse in his writers and works. Information about life of Hayri is deduced from the newspaper articles and works. The author published Süha journal which had got friendly writing of Muallim Naci in 1882. He wrote article about area of Classical Turkish Literature in that journal. His first articles are encountered in Hizmet newspaper at İzmir press. Mehmed Hayri took part in some tenure as a puplic servant after 1885 in governorship of Aydın city. He was appointed in lieutenant governor of Kırşehir flag in 1900. It is no data about when the author (Hayri) died. Mehmed Hayri dominates religious and literal information, as far as we understand his article and works. It shows that knowledge of religious science of the author from called Siyer-i Fârûk explained shortly life of Hazrat Umar and also written Hediyetü’l-İhvan concerning catechism to issues. Mehmed Hayri wrote several articles in newspapers and published magazine himself. He explained some couplet with Arabic and Persian which is get them important person and introduced some poets at the Süha magazines’. He also wrote poems which are suitable with ottoman poems tradition. He has a fluent and more understandable style. Mehmed Hayri understood that poetry get written from his article and works. Hayri has a ode at Süha magazines’. The article (na't) which 46 couplet called at the end of the Kaside-i Bürde Şerhi, was written by Mehmed Hayri. There are five works a part of as a textbook including literal and religious which are published in Istanbul and Izmir. These works are called Türkçe Kaside-i Bürde Şerhi-Hediye, Belâgat, Avâmil Tuhfesi, Hediyyetü’l-İhvân, Siyer-i Fârûk. As far as its known, Siyer (prophetic biography) is plural form of 'sîret' meaning behavior, character, status, one' morality and life story of prophetic. Siyer, as term has used for science field including Hz. Muhammed's life, personality and struggle military service. The Siyer, word in the name of this work reviewed subject has being used according to the dictionary meaning instead of term meaning. We analyze some section of Hz. Umar's life at this work. It is shown that Hz. Umar subjected of discussion in the Classical Turkish Literature. It is mentioned the four Khalifs more “na‘t” section at the poet's divan. If the poets tell from fairing people praising encomia part, exactly this likened person is Hz Umar. It praise that four Khalifs under the title of “Medh-i Çehar-yâr-ı Güzîn” at the Mesnevi after the prophet Muhammed's as section and miracle if available na't. It has been praised by emphasizing to Hz. Umar who is second one from four Khalifs because of his more equitable behavior. Hayri, touched on coverage to some important event Hz. Umar life at the so-called Siyer-i Fârûk, especially detailed Iran's conquest. Mehmed Hayri accounts for why he wrote under the title of “Hutbe” firstly and he forgives from readers for mistakes. Then by, he explains personal record of Hz. Umar and gets across why killing Hz. Muhammed was given this mission to him. Secondly, the author sets for phase to be Muslim of Hz. Umar. Hereby, the case which between Hz. Umar and his sister with her husband resultant event of encountered had been expressed. The event which Hz. Umar come up with from some verse of Quran read by themselves at their home have been put across. As the third, merits of Hz. Umar and events praising of him has been mentioned. It is emphasized that he carried provisions to poor people and also his practices at his Khalif time. As the forth, it is mentioned that issue which was Yermuk battle and conquer of Syria and especially, Halid bin Velid is discharged and get instead Ubeyde. After that, especially it has been referred that expeditions frighten side of the Persian period of Hz. Umar. It has been accounted deeply for Kadisiye battle in this section. Besides, it is mentioned that Jordan took hold and Hz. Umar went to Al-Quds by conquest Palestine. In the last section of work has been explained that Hz. Umar was martyred by Ebû Lülüe and was interred to Ravza-i Mutahhara. Afterwards, it was given information about character of Hz. Umar. It has been expressed that Hz. Umar is tall, white skin, white beard, bald. That work which is published as printed end up with Hz. Umar qualifications. As a result, this book which is talking about Hz. Umar was pressed in Aydın printing house at the 1303/1885 year. This text which is non-bulky work has got fifty pages. Life of Hz. Umar has been explained in a sort of way compendious. Mehmed Hayri wrote volubly up style-literaty. The author who prefers further and middle prose simple text has included Persian and Arabian words and noun phrase at his work. That used words have been watched out knowledge words rather than archaic words. Besides the author applied moral quality for fluency. The editor benefitted from verse of Quran and Hadith (the prophet Muhammed's sayings) for explaining at issue and he explained some in the text Hadith and verse of Quran. This work which has example of last of Classical Literature prose was of different called Siyer as autocephalous a in terms of telling life of Hz. Umar. This text which was analyzed extracted by us has a place in regarding Hz. Umar's life when compared the between others.


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