Müderris, şair Abdurrahman Râmi Çelebi, Şam'da doğup, İstanbul'da vefat etmiştir. Hayatında çok sıkıntı çektiği, felaketlere uğradığı beyitlerinden ve beyitlerindeki şikâyetlerden anlaşılmaktadır. O, Rumeli Kazaskeri olan Molla Sünbül Ali Efendi'nin oğludur. Râmî, devlet adamlığı ve müderrisliği yanında pozitif bilimlere, Tasavvuf, Felsefe ve Astronomiye vâkıf bir kişidir. İyi derecede Arapça ve Farsça bilmektedir. Bir beytinde düşürülen tarihe göre h. 1043 yılında bizzat kendisi tarafından tertib edilmiş olan bir Dîvân'ı bulunmaktadır. Arapça, Farsça ve Türkçe şiirler bulunan Dîvân'ında Farsça bir na't yer almaktadır. Na'tlar Hz. Muhammed'in özellikleri üzerine söylenen, onu öven sözlerden oluşan şiirlerdir. Arap, Fars ve Türk edebiyatlarında örneklerine çok sık rastlayabiliriz. Divan şairleri gelenekselleşen bu türde eserler yazmışlardır. Şairlerimiz Peygamber sevgisini ve ona verdikleri önemi bu şiirleriyle göstermektedirler. Divan şiirinde na't geleneğinin temsilcilerinden biri de Râmî'dir. Râmî, na'tında Hz. Peygamber'in pek çok isim ve sıfatlarına yer vermiştir. Na'tta Hz. Peygamber'in mucizelerinden, miraca çıkışından da bahsedilmektedir. Bu makalede yetmiş sekiz beyitten oluşan na't Türkçe'ye çevrilmiş ve Hz. Muhammed özellikleriyle değerlendirilmiştir. Kaside nazım şekliyle yazılmış olan bu Farsça na'tın vezni Feilâtün/ Mefâilün/ Feilün kalıbındadır. Bu na't, Türk edebiyatındaki klasik na'tlardan farklı özellikler arz etmektedir. Na't mahşer anıyla başlamaktadır. Şair sıkıntısıyla hayattan ümit kesip, kendini hayale teslim eder ve acziyetini anlatmaya başlar. Ölümle başbaşa kalınca, "perişan kaldım, bana yardım" diye haykırır. Bu esnada ateş gibi kıvrak ve çabuk bir el hisseder. Yardımına ulaşan o adaletli şahın ayağına kapanır. Darda kaldığında ona ulaşan bu kişinin Hızır olup olmadığını sorar. Aldığı cevapla uzun uzun onu vasfetmeye devam eder, onun mucizelerinden, Mirac'a çıkışından söz eder. Son beyitlerde artık şair binlerce acz ve niyaz ile ondan merhamet bekler, şefaat ister, Hz. Peygamber'e binlerce salavât hediye eder


Mudarris, poet Abdurrahman Rami Çelebi was born in Damascus and died in İstanbul. It is understood from his couplets and the complaints inside the couplets that he experienced many troubles and underwent disasters during his lifetime. He the son of Molla Sunbul Ali Efendi, Rumelia kadiu-l asker. Besides his statesmanship and being a mudarris, Rami had a grasp of positive sciences, Sufism, Philosophy and Astronomy. He know Arabic and Persian highly. According to the date given in one of his couplets, he has a Divan, which was personally organized by himself in hijri 1043 . On his Divan which contains Arabic, Persian and Turkish poems there is a Persian Na’t. Na’ts are poems about Prophet Mohammed’s characteristic features also they praise him. We can come across with them in Arabic, Persian and Turkish literatures. Divan poets has given poems on this type that became a tradition. Our poets show their love of Prophet Mohammed and the importance they given him with this Na’ts. One of the representatives of naat tradition in Divan poetry is Rami. Rami gave place to a lot of names and qualities of the Prophet in his na’t. In the na’t, Prophet’s miracles and his ascension to the Miraj are also mentioned. In this article, Na’t has seventy eight couplets translated into Turkish and Prophet Mohammed appraised with his character. The meter of this na’t, which was written in eulogium verse form, is Feilâtün/ Mefâilün/ Feilün. This na’t has different features than the other classic na’ts in Turkish literature. The na’t starts with the Armageddon moment. The poet gives his possession to dreams by abandoning hope because of troubles and starts to tell his own weakness. When he faces death he shouts out “I became miserable, help me”. At that very moment he feels a hand agile and quick as fire. He prostrates himself before this judicious shah, who lended a hand to him. The poet asks to this person, who reached him when he was in trouble, whether he is Hızır or not. With the answer he gets, he continues describing the man at length, tells his miracles and his ascension to Miraj. In the final couplets, the poet pleads for his mercy, and wants his intercession with thousands of failures and prayers. He presents thousands of salawats to the Prophet Abdurrahman Râmî Celebi is the son of Molla Sunbul Ali Efendi, who grew up in Finance and became the head of provincial treasury (şıkkı sânî) in 982 (1574/75) and later became the Rumelia kadiu-l asker. After being a lieutenant he reached the position of forties (erbaîn) and became a mudarris after graduating from madrassah. According to the couplets in his divan, his hometown is Damascus. He grew up in Damascus, and then came to Istanbul. For some time he went back to Damascus, however he returned to Istanbul and by staying there until the end of his life he died in hijri 1049 (1640). It is understood from his couplets and the complaints inside the couplets that he experienced many troubles and underwent disasters during his lifetime. Moreover, he did not pass over praising the ones who helped and protected him. From an elegy he wrote, it is found out that Râmî had three sisters and they died from plague while they were young. Also, he mentions the death of his sister who is called Betul with a date he gives in one of his poems. According to what is inferred from his poems, he is sunni, and his sect is Hanafism. Besides his statesmanship and being a mudarris, Râmî had a grasp of positive sciences, Sufism, Philosophy and Astronomy. His knowledge of Arabic and Persian was enough to be able to write poems in these languages. According to the date given in one of his couplets, he has a Divan, which was personally organized by himself in hijri 1043 (1633-1634). In his Divan, he has three na’ts in Turkish, one na’t in the form of Mulemma in Arabic-Persian-Turkish, and another na’t of seventy-eight couplets in Persian. The meter of this na’t, which was written in eulogium verse form, is Feilâtün/ Mefâilün/ Feilün. The na’t was translated into Turkish after it was written with Persian alphabet and transcribed. The na’t starts with the Armageddon moment. The poet gives his possession to dreams by abandoning hope because of troubles and starts to tell his own weakness. When he faces death he shouts out “I became miserable, help me”. At that very moment he feels a hand agile and quick as fire. He prostrates himself before this judicious shah, who lended a hand to him. The poet asks to this person, who reached him when he was in trouble, whether he is Hızır or not. With the answer he gets, he continues describing the man at length, tells his miracles and his ascension to Miraj. In the final couplets, the poet pleads for his mercy, and wants his intercession with thousands of failures and prayers. He presents thousands of salawats to the Prophet. Most of the Divan poets put forward their love towards the Prophet with the genre of na’t which became traditional. They told the Prophet using praises and describing him with all his characteristics, and they referred to his life, his appearance, his moral values, his miracles, his prophecy, hejira, the wars, his love of Allah, his patience and his faith. The contents of the na’ts depend on the names and the specialties of the Prophet. A poet names, describes, and figures the Prophet physically and bodily first, thus the perception of the Prophet is presented with the most beautiful images. The poet sometimes does this, skillfully, without giving his name by giving a clue that will make him remembered. One of the representatives of naat tradition in Divan poetry is Râmî. Râmî gave place to a lot of names and qualities of the Prophet in his na’t. These names and qualities are the Prophet’s names which are predicated on similes. The Prophet is “divine light”, “the moon”, “the pearl”, “Hızır” and “the cloud”. “Divine light” (Nur) is one of the most commonly used names for the Prophet. This name reflects his beauty as well the belief, which tells that his divine light was created before everything. The Prophet is “padishah”, “shah” and “shah-I lewlaq” (the sultan of the created).In the na’t, his miracles and his ascension to the Miraj are also mentioned. According to Râmî, he is the commander of the ninth heaven. He is “the moon” as he shed light on humanity. The beauty of his face is another reason why he is called “the moon”. He is “the pearl” because he is valuable, supreme, matchless and one and only. His being “the cloud” is thanks to his having mercy. The reason why he is “Hızır” is that he gives hand to the ones in trouble, and lets them off the hook. In this sense, his quality of having intercession to the believers is openly seen. In the naat, which was written with the hope and wish for reaching the Prophet’s intercession, Râmî, in fact, aspires for the Prophet’s intercession by emphasizing his being the intercessor


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