Osmanlı Devleti, klasik dönemden itibaren istihbarat işine çok önem vermiş, içeride ve dışarda atacağı her türlü askeri ve siyasi adım bu Oluşturduğu bilgi ağı yoluyla başarılar elde etmesi, istihbaratın önemini daha da arttırmıştır. 16. yüzyılla birlikte ücretli casus, tüccar ve gezginlerden elde edilen bilgiler ağırlık kazanmaya başlamış, zamanla istihbarat ağı coğrafi ve siyasi şartlara göre değişiklik göstermiştir. Sınırlarının genişlemeye başlamasıyla birlikte Osmanlı Devleti, kıta Avrupa'sında önemli bir güç haline gelerek çevresinde olup bitenlere ilişkin daha geniş bir istihbarat ağı oluşturmuştur. 18. yüzyıla gelindiğinde önemli aktörlere karşı doğru politika üretebilmek için mümkün olan en yaygın istihbaratı sağlamıştır. Özellikle Karlofça Antlaşması sonrasına kadar çatıştığı Lehistan'a karşı iyi ilişkiler kurmaya çalışan Osmanlı Devleti, bu ülke içinde veya dışında yapılan bütün faaliyetleri yakından takip etmiştir


The Ottoman Empire gave importance to the intelligence from the classical period, both inside and outside all kinds of military and political steps taken by the Empire formed according to the informations came from these contacts. The getting success through the network of information formed has increased the importance of intelligence. With the 16th century the intelligence obtained from the paid spies, merchants and explorers began to gain weight, in time the intelligence network varied according to geographical and political conditions. With the begining of expansion of its boundaries, the Ottoman Empire becoming a major force in continental Europe consisted of a wider intelligence network about what is happening around. By the 18th century the Empire provided the fullest extent intelligence which was possible, to create the right policy to the key actors. The Ottoman Empire tried to establish good relations with Poland which was in conflict espacially until after Karlowitz Treaty, closely followed all the activities performed inside or outside. With begining of partition of Poland among Russia, Prussia and Austria in the second half of 18th century the Ottoman Empire used every kind of intelligence sources to be informed about news. The most important source of intelligence on this subject was voivodes of Wallachia and Moldovia had been chosen from Phanariots in Istanbul. These managers faxed immediately the information acquired through spies under their command to the center and provided taking the necessary measures. In addition to these spies, as well as the spies working independently, the Ottoman envoys, Polish ambassadors and managers, ambassadors of other countries, Crimean khans and the managers of neighboring units in the Ottoman administrations were the intelligence sources which used. During the partition of Poland, these sources faxing the latest and most important information to the Porte, contributed to determine the position of the Empire. In this study will focused on the intelligence sources mentioned and will evaluated how these sources played a role between 1772 and 1795 when Poland was parted
