Bu araştırmanın amacı; öğretmenlerin liderlik stilleri ile sınıf içi öğretmen davranışları arasındaki ilişkinin ortaya konulmasıdır. İlişkisel tarama modeli ile yürütülmüş olan bu araştırmanın evrenini 2013-2014 Eğitim Öğretim yılında İzmir ili Konak merkez ilçesinde bulunan İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı ilkokul ve ortaokullarda görev yapan toplam 1569 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini ise Konak merkez ilçesinde tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen ilkokul ve ortaokullarda görev yapan 540 öğretmen oluşturmuştur. Çalışmanın verileri Deniz ve Hasançebioğlu (2002) tarafından geliştirilen "Öğretmen Liderlik Stilleri Ölçeği"; Büyüköztürk, Kılıç, Karadeniz ve Karataş (2004) tarafından geliştirilen "Sınıf İçi Öğretmen Davranışları Ölçeği" ve araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan "Kişisel Bilgi Formu" ile toplanarak SPSS 20 paket programı ile çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre öğretmenlerin liderlik stillerinin otokratik düzeyde olduğu; öğretmenlerin liderlik stilleri ile mesleki kıdem arasındaki farkın anlamlı olduğu; ancak cinsiyet, medeni durum, branş ve görev yapılan okul düzeyi arasındaki farkın anlamlı olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Sınıf içi öğretmen davranışlarının "Genellikle" düzeyinde olduğu ve öğretmenlerin sergiledikleri; sınıf içi öğretmen davranışları ile cinsiyet, kıdem, branş ve okul düzeyi arasındaki farkın anlamlı olduğu; ancak medeni durum arasındaki farkın anlamlı olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak öğretmenlerin liderlik stilleri ile sınıf içi öğretmen davranışları arasında düşük düzeyli, pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu belirlenmiştir


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviours within classroom. The population of this relational survey research consists of 1569 teachers who work at primary and secondary schools connected the provincial directorate for national education in Konak central district in İzmir province in 2013-2014 academic year. In this study, random sampling method was utilized for sampling, and the research was carried out with 540 participants. The data collected with “Personal Information Form” prepared by the researcher, “Teachers’ Leadership Styles Scale” developed by Deniz and Hasançebioğlu (2002) and “Teachers’ Behaviours Within Classroom Scale” developed by Büyüköztürk, Kılıç, Karadeniz and Karataş (2004) was analyzed with SPSS 20 software. According to the results obtained from the research it was determined that the grade of teachers’ leadership styles are at the autocratic level and the most common leadership style among teachers is autocratic attitude. The teachers’ leadership styles were investigated according to the teachers’ traits and it was found that while there is statistically a meaningful significance in terms of tenure, there isn’t a meaningful significance in terms of the traits such as gender, marital status, being branch or classroom teacher and the grade of the school that teachers work at. It was determined that the grade of teachers’ behaviours within classroom is at the general level and the teachers use the student-centered education method mostly. The teachers’ behaviours within classroom were investigated according to the teachers’ traits and it was found that while there is statistically a meaningful significance in terms of the traits such as gender, tenure, being branch or classroom teacher and the grade of the school that teachers work at there isn’t a meaningful significance in terms of marital status. Finally, it was seen that there is a low level, positive and meaningful relation between teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviours within classroom Teachers are the basic subject of the education system. It’s thought that teachers have critical role to develop a country; to provide tranquility and social peace to the society; to prepare individuals to the social life and make them socialized and also to convey the culture and values of the society to the young generations. Therefore, it was expected from teachers to play leading role in these areas (Özden, 1998). Teachers ought to have leadership role among both the teacher group including himself/herself and the student group whom he/she is together with. Teacher has to guide and enlighten the class and school which he/she is responsible for and the environment and the society that works for as a leader (Çelikten, Şanal and Yeni, 2005). Teachers who are the leaders of the education and training process have their own leadership styles together with their knowledge, ability, attitude and behaviors. In accordance with the leadership styles in the classroom while some teachers teach lessons dominantly and overbearingly through passive learning activities, others teach lessons democratically through active learning activities (Güllü and Arslan, 2009). Leadership styles have been started to be explained in accordance with different leadership theories since 1960s. There are different leadership styles in terms of four basic leadership theories that are Trait Theory, Behaviorist Theory, Situational Leadership Theory and Modern Leadership Theories. X and Y Theory of McGregor, one of the Behaviorist Theories, was based on in this study. The judgments related to the human nature were classified by McGregor as X and Y Theory that are adverse hypothesis to each other. Within this scope, X Theory is based on the assumption that human beings are passive and they resist organizational needs. According to this approach, people don’t like work and they goldbrick to the full extent of their power so people should always be forced, inspected, managed and frightened with punishment in order to realize the organizational objectives; an ordinary human being prefers to be managed, wants to evade responsibility, has little ambition towards work, primarily looks for security, is against innovation and resists changes because of uncertainty that alteration causes (Eren, 1989). From McGregor’s point of view, it’s thought that the teachers who evaluate their students according to X Theory display autocratic leadership style and ones who evaluate their students according to Y Theory display democratic leadership style. Teaching method used in the classroom besides leadership styles has a critical role over the target change related to qualification of students who are the outputs of the education system. According to Büyüköztürk and others (2004), teachers’ behaviors concerning teaching method are divided into two parts as Student Centered Instruction and Teacher Centered Instruction. In teacher centered classrooms, teachers have absolute authority over students, because the control of the classroom and students is the most important point for them (Dollard ve Christensen, 1996). Critics argue that compliance is valued over initiative and passive learners over active learners in teacher centered classrooms (Freiberg, 1999). Purpose of The Study The purpose of this study is to determine the level of teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviors within classroom; to investigate the relationship between teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviors within classroom and to confirm that if some personal traits have significant effect over teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviors within classroom or not. In accordance with the general objective of the study the subproblems below are developed. 1. What is the level of teachers’ leadership styles?2. Do personal traits of teachers like tenure, gender, marital status, being branch or classroom teacher and the grade of the school that teachers work at have a significant effect over teachers’ leadership styles? 3. What is the level of teachers’ behaviors within classroom? 4. Do personal traits of teachers like tenure, gender, marital status, being branch or classroom teacher and the grade of the school that teachers work at have a significant effect over teachers’ behaviors within classroom? 5. Is there a relationship between teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviors within classroom? Method Relational screening model was used in this research. Relational screening model is a kind of model that provides opportunity to study the relationship among the variables. Population and Sampling The population of this relational survey research consists of 1569 teachers who work at primary and secondary schools connected the provincial directorate for national education in Konak central district in İzmir province in 2013-2014 Academic Year. In this study, random sampling method was utilized for sampling, and the research was carried out with 540 participants. Data Collection Survey forms were handed out to the teachers by the researcher personally and filled up by the teachers. Later, the survey forms were collected by the researcher from the schools one by one. 458 ones of 540 forms were turned back and 426 forms were evaluated finally. Data Analysis The data collected with the survey forms was analyzed with SPSS 20 software. For data analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent samples T-test, Mann-Whitney U test, KruskalWallis H test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), LSD test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used. Conclusion In this study, the relationship between teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviors within classroom was investigated and teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviors within classroom were tested in terms of some personal traits. According to the results obtained from the research it was determined that the grade of teachers’ leadership styles are at the autocratic level ( X =54,05) and the most common leadership style among teachers is autocratic attitude (94,1 %). The teachers’ leadership styles were investigated according to the teachers’ traits and it was found that while there is statistically a meaningful significance in terms of tenure, there isn’t a meaningful significance in terms of the traits such as gender, marital status, being branch or classroom teacher and the grade of the school that teachers work at. Besides, it was determined that the grade of teachers’ behaviors within classroom is at the general level ( X =4,09) and the teachers use the student-centered education method mostly. The teachers’ behaviors within classroom were investigated according to the teachers’ traits and it was found that while there is statistically a meaningful significance in terms of the traits such as gender, tenure, being branch or classroom teacher and the grade of the school that teachers work at, there isn’t a meaningful significance in terms of marital status. Finally, it was seen that there is a low level, positive and meaningful relation between teachers’ leadership styles and teachers’ behaviors within classroom.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem