Yaklaşık beş bin yıllık bir mazisi olan ve dünyanın dört bir yanına dağılarak, farklı adlarla birçok devlet kuran Türk milleti, zengin ve köklü bir kültüre sahiptir. Kutadgu Bilig de bu zengin ve köklü kültürün mihenk taşlarından birini oluşturmaktadır. "Millet; ortak kültür, geçmiş, tarih ve yaşanmışlıkların tezahürüdür" sözünden hareketle, asırlardır birçok alanda Türk kültürüne rehberlik etmiş olan ve Yusuf Has Hacib tarafından kaleme alınan Kutadgu Bilig'i, Türk yemek adabı ve kültürü açısından incelemeyi gerekli bulduk. Çünkü Türkistan'dan Anadolu'ya ve birçok coğrafyaya yayılan Türkler, uzun tarihsel geçmişleri ve birikimleri nedeniyle zengin bir yemek kültürü oluşturmuşlardır. Söz konusu bu değerlerin gelecek nesillere aktarılmasında ise Kutadgu Bilig başucu kitap niteliği taşımaktadır. Fakat birçok dile tercüme edilmesine rağmen hala el değmemiş bir hazine gibi karşımızda durmaktadır. Kutadgu Bilig'i Türkçeye ilk tercüme eden ve derleyip günümüze ulaşmasını sağlayan Reşit Rahmeti Arat eser için, "Türk gençliği bu kitabı anladığı zaman, Türkiye kurtulacaktır" demiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türk kültür tarihinin başyapıtlarından birisi olan Kutadgu Bilig'i Türk yemek adabı ve kültürü bağlamında değerlendirmektir. Bu kapsamda Türk yemek adabı ve kültürü ile ilgili Kutadgu Bilig'de var olan beyitler belirlenmiş ve bu beyitler konumuza kaynaklık edecek şekilde değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma; tarama modelinde olup, doküman incelemesi yöntemine dayalı olarak yapılmıştır


Turkish Nation, which has nearly 5 thousand years’ history, has spread throughout the world, established many states under various names, and has had a rich and long-established culture. Kutadgu Bilig constitutes one of the milestones of this rich and long-established culture. Based on the definition suggesting that the “nation is the appearance of the experiences of a common culture and past history”, we found it necessary to investigate the Kutadgu Bilig, which was written by Yusuf Has Hacib, who himself guided the Turkish Culture in many fields for centuries, in terms of eating morals and culture, because Turks, who spread to many geographical areas from Turkistan to Anatolia, formed a rich eating culture thanks to their long historical background and accumulated knowledge. In transferring these values to future generations, Kutadgu Bilig is a bedside book. However, although it has been translated into many languages, it still has the quality of being a hidden treasure. Reşit Rahmeti Arat, who first compiled and translated Kutadgu Bilig into Turkish, said “When the Turkish youth understands this book, Turkey will be saved”. The purpose o f this study is to make a compilation on Kutadgu Bilig, which is one of the masterpieces of the Turkish Cultural history, in terms of Turkish eating morals and culture. In this context, the couplets on Turkish eating morals and culture in Kutadgu Bilig were determined, and these couplets were evaluated in a manner that would constitute the resource for our study. The study is in the review model, and has been conducted with document review method Turkish Nation, which has nearly 5 thousand years’ history, has spread throughout the world, established many states under various names, and has had a rich and long-established culture. Kutadgu Bilig constitutes one of the milestones of this rich and long-established culture. Based on the definition suggesting that the “nation is the appearance of the experiences of a common culture and past history”, we found it necessary to investigate the Kutadgu Bilig, which was written by Yusuf Has Hacib, who himself guided the Turkish Culture in many fields for centuries, in terms of eating morals and culture, because Turks, who spread to many geographical areas from Turkistan to Anatolia, formed a rich eating culture thanks to their long historical background and accumulated knowledge. In transferring these values to future generations, Kutadgu Bilig is a bedside book. However, although it has been translated into many languages, it still has the quality of being a hidden treasure. Reşit Rahmeti Arat, who first compiled and translated Kutadgu Bilig into Turkish, said “When the Turkish youth understands this book, Turkey will be saved”. The purpose o f this study is to make a compilation on Kutadgu Bilig, which is one of the masterpieces of the Turkish Cultural history, in terms of Turkish eating morals and culture. In this context, the couplets on Turkish eating morals and culture in Kutadgu Bilig were determined, and these couplets were evaluated in a manner that would constitute the resource for our study. The study is in the review model, and has been conducted with document review method. Method In this research, document review technique was used as qualitative research methods. Qualitative research; Research on qualitative data gathering methods such as observation, interview and document analysis, and a qualitative process for revealing perceptions and events in a natural and realistic manner. Document review technique; (Yildirim and Simsek, 2006). For this purpose, couplets containing explanations, advice and information about the Turkish food culture and dinner table in Kutadgu Bilig have been determined. These bracelets, which were identified, are as valuable as they were for the present period. It is important to point out that the main aim of this study is to benefit from a great work that has been in the past but sheds light on the future. Results Kutadgu Bilig, the first book of Turkish literature, is full of day-today information and advice in many subjects. From politics to philosophy, from Sufism to education, from management science to Turkish customs, there are many field views, suggestions and advice. In this research, the couplets related to Turkish food culture and dinner table in Kutadgu Bilig have been determined and evaluated with various headings from the contents of related couplets together with the work couplet numbers. The subject to be addressed in this study is under three headings. Conclusion The Turkish nation has both a very long history and a very rich cultural background. It is a natural situation that the rich and rooted culinary artifact, which is a sub-element, is equally fascinating in the diet and food culture. From this point of view, Turkish food culture is one of the richest cultures of the world. They have to be in the most important geography of the world, interact with many cultures in the world, and the influence of nomadic cultures is enormous. At the same time, this rich cultural accumulation of Turks, starting from Turkestan and Anatolia until the arrival of immigrants, the inheritance of conquered countries is also a great success. The Turks have been connected with the sense of loyalty to the people who have been friends throughout history. So they developed and used some symbols of peace and friendship among them. "Salt and bread right" is one of these symbols. Salt bread right phrase; Friendship, gratitude, gratitude, loyalty, sincerity, hospitality, generosity and hospitality in Turks. In this way, a strong connection would have been established between those who had eaten the same table and had companionship. In other words, "salt-bread right" was born among these people. This law was an eternal friendship for them and opened the way of friendship. People who eat together in the same cafeteria have been friends and friends forever. Two people, who did not know each other, placed each other's bread and food in a relationship. They were grateful for being served with the same sodas, and they had doors of sincerity and friendliness that would not forget their whole life. For Yusuf Has Hâcib this sincerity is very important and the pleasure has always been on the forefront. As a result, one of the concrete signs of Turkish culture, the Turkish Food and Culture has a special position with its appealing whole world. In order to consolidate this position, it is necessary to protect its own characteristics and to be properly and properly transmitted to future generations
