Kuantum Öğrenme, Kuantum Fiziği ile ortaya çıkan gelişmelerden yararlanılarak oluşturulan ve pek çok yeni kuramın sentezlenmiş şekli olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Kuantum Öğrenme yaklaşımı belirsizlik, olasılık ve bütünsellik ilkelerine dayanmaktadır. Kuantum Öğrenme, sonuçları kesin ve net ifadeler yerine olasılıklar ile ortaya koyar. Olaylara holistik bir bakış ile yaklaşarak olayların birbirini etkilediğini ve birbirinden ayrılmayacağını vurgulamaktadır. MEB 2004 yılında eğitimde bilim felsefesi olarak Newton yerine Kuantum Paradigmasını ve bilişselyapılandırmacı yaklaşımı dayanak olarak almış ve coğrafya dersi öğretim programlarını da bu anlayışa göre hazırlamıştır. Öğrenci, Kuantum Öğrenme Yaklaşımı ile coğrafi bilgiye ulaşıp her hangi bir coğrafi görseli farklı açılardan değerlendirme becerisi kazanmaktadır. Kuantum Öğrenme ile yapılan coğrafya öğretimi öğrenciye, karşılaşılan sorunların üstesinden gelebilme, özgür düşünme, olayları derinlemesine analiz edebilme, yaratıcılık ve esneklik becerileri kazandırabilir. Kuantum Paradigmasına göre hazırlanan coğrafya öğretim programının hedeflerini önceden kesin şekilde belirlemek güçtür ve ancak olasılıklar dikkate alınarak tespit edilebilir. Söz konusu anlayış, coğrafi olay ve sorunların, oluştuğu ortamlara ve koşullara göre değerlendirilmesini gerektirir. Öğrenci, bilgi yüklenen nesne durumundan bilgiyi üreten ve kullanan özne konumuna getirilmelidir. Öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme becerileri ve bilimsel sorgulama yetenekleri kazanmaları sağlanmalıdır. Öğrencilerin düzenli aralıklar ile gerçek hayat problemleri ve çelişkili koşullar ile karşılaşması sağlanmalı, üstesinden gelmeleri için teşvik edilmelidirler. Öğrenme ortamı eğlenceli hale getirilerek öğrenmenin kalıcı olması sağlanmalıdır. Sonuç olarak Kuantum Öğrenme bireyin öğrendiği coğrafi bilgiyi yapılandırmasına yönelik ortam ve olanak sağlamaktadır. Bu yaklaşım, öğrencilere kazandırmaktadır. Kuantum Öğrenme, coğrafya öğretmenlerine derslerini monotonluktan kurtarıp eğlenceli bir süreç haline getirmeleri ve sınıfı iyi bir öğrenme ortamına dönüştürmeleri için fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Ancak Kuantum Teorisinin belirsizlik, görecelilik, olasılık prensiplerine dayanarak hazırlanan coğrafya dersi öğretim programı karmaşa ve nesneleri yadsımaya yol açabilir. Ayrıca bilimsel çalışmalara karşı güvensizliği ve hurafelerin coğrafya dersi öğretim program içeriğine sızmasına neden olabilir. akademik ve yaşam boyu öğrenme becerilerini Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kuantum Öğrenmenin coğrafya öğretimine etkisini değerlendirmektir. Betimsel tarama yönteminin kullanıldığı çalışmada, Kuantum Öğrenme üzerinde durulduktan sonra Kuantum Öğrenmenin, coğrafya öğretiminde kullanılmasının sağlayacağı katkılar tartışılacaktır


Quantum Learning is assessed as the synthesized form of many new theories that are created by using quantum physics developments. The Quantum Learning Approach is based on the principles of uncertainty, probability and completeness. Quantum Learning outcomes are based on probabilities rather than definite and clear representations. It approaches events with a holistic perspective and emphasizes that the events affect each other and that they do not be separated from each other. In 2004, MEB took the Quantum Paradigm and the CognitiveConstructivist Approach as the basis of science philosophy instead of Newton, and prepared the geography curriculum according to this understanding. With the Quantum Learning Approach, the student acquires geographical knowledge and gains the ability to evaluate any geographical visuals from different angles. Teaching geography with Quantum Learning can gain students ability to overcome problems, to think freely, to analyze events in depth, creativity and flexibility. It is difficult to predict precisely the objectives of the geography teaching program prepared according to the Quantum Paradigm, but probabilities can be determined by taking into consideration. This understanding requires that geographical event and problems be assessed according to the environment and circumstances in which they occur. The student should be brought to the position of the subject who produces and uses information from the state of the information loaded object. Students should gain critical thinking skills, scientific inquiry skills. Students should be encouraged to regularly meet and face real life problems and conflicting conditions. The learning environment should be made fun and the learning should be permanent. As a result, Quantum Learning provides an environment and facility for constructing the geographical knowledge that the individual learns. This approach provides students with academic and lifelong learning skills. Quantum Learning offers geography teachers the opportunity to monotone their lessons into a fun process and transform the class into a good learning environment. However, the geography lesson curriculum, which is based on the uncertainty, relativity, probability principles of the Quantum Theory, can lead to denial of confusion and objects. In addition, insecurity against scientific work and may cause the superstitions leak into geography lesson curriculum content. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of Quantum Learning on teaching geography. Using the descriptive scanning method in this study, the contributions of using Quantum Learning in geography teaching will be discussed after focusing on quantum learning Quantum Learning was created benefitting from developments emerged by Quantum Physics and is regarded as a synthesized form of a great deal of new theories. Quantum Learning Approach is based on principles of uncertainty, probability and holism. Quantum Learning presents the results through probabilities rather than absolute and clear expressions. It emphasizes that events interact and they will not separate from each other, by approaching to them with a holistic look. Turkish Republic Ministry of National Education began the change works that the Ministry (MEB) characterized as ‘‘reform’’ in curricula (teaching programs) starting from primary education in 2004, by stating that quality problem encountered in the education was resulted from the education programmes which was being implemented, in particular. New programs predicate on Quantum Paradigm as philosophy of science, instead of Newton Paradigm. The fact that Newtonian approach was seen as an important factor in failure of former curricula had also an impact on making such a changing, The Newtonian science approach that analyses breaking the whole down into parts, is based on a strict causeeffect relationship and that is linear, monistic, harsh and reductive led to occur a rote learning-based, linear and teacher-centered teaching system. For solving this problem, Quantum Paradigm and CognitiveConstructivist approach were adopted, which offer individuals with an environment and opportunity to construct what they have learned, and which aim for learners to gain skills of critical thinking and of inquiring within the scientific scope what they have learned. Through Quantum Paradigm, learners will be made to evaluate events in curricula by a multiple perspective that also gives an opportunity to shades of ‘‘the grey’’ rather than a dualist perspective such as ‘‘black-white options’’ and by multiple cause-effect relationship. Thus, individuals having a mentality of inquiring, pluralist and flexible will be raised. Students acquire skills to evaluate any geographic image from different points of view, by reaching geographic information through Quantum Learning Approach. Geography teaching carried out through Quantum Learning can gain students skills to be able overcome problems encountered, to analyze events in-depth, of free-thinking, creativity and flexibility. It is difficult to predetermine certainly targets of geography lesson curriculum (teaching program) that is prepared according to Quantum Paradigm and they can be determined considering probabilities, only. The said approach requires that geographical events/phenomena and problems should be evaluated according to environments and conditions in which they occur. Students should brought from state of the object (passive) whom is loaded knowledge into state of the subject/agent (active) who generates and uses knowledge. Students should be made to acquire critical-thinking skills and scientific inquiry abilities. Also students should be made to encounter with the real lifeproblems and contradictory subjects at regular intervals, and they should be encouraged to overcome them. Being permanent of learning should be provided making the learning environment enjoyable. Adopting Quantum Learning in geography teaching will be able to make it possible to reevaluate in a way that it will complete a whole by breaking geographic information down into parts, to deal with the information in its different aspects, to scrutinize its reason, and to experience an intentional learning process and so on. In this learning approach, students not only reach geographic information, but also they acquire skills to evaluate any geographic image in its different aspects. Such a geographic evaluation requires that different senses and environments should be included into the learning process. In other words, to prepare students for the learning process and to teach what&how they can learn will be able to contribute to solution of problems which are encountered in geography teaching. Shaped according to Quantum Learning, geography teaching can make a positive contribution in areas such as being able to overcome problems encountered, to make in-depth analysis, the creativity and the flexibility etc. But, a Geography Lesson Curriculum which is prepared based on principles of uncertainty, relativity and probability of Quantum Theory has a possibility of complexity and of being able to lead deny objects. Besides this, mistrust against the science and risk of penetrating into content of geography curriculum should not be neglected. The following points should be paid attention to in geography teaching which will be shaped according to Quantum Learning Approach: 1. Individuals’ different thoughts&opinions should be supported and individuals should be made to state these. 2. Evaluation of geographic events and problems should be made, as per contextuality principle of Quantum, according to environments and conditions in which they occur. 3. Since different conditions have impact on occurring a geographic event, it is not possible to calculate and forecast all of them precisely, as per uncertainty principle of Quantum. For this reason,determining reasons which cause and do not cause events to occur will contribute to improving learners’ higher-order thinking skills. 4. Being subject-oriented of Quantum Paradigm requires using approaches which need the individuals to acquire direct experience in geography teaching. During the process of geography teaching, students should be brought from state of the object (passive) whom is loaded knowledge into state of the subject/agent (active) who generates and uses knowledge. 5. Considering the assumption that knowledge/information and skills which are gained in geography teaching will be always incomplete, students should be made to acquire skills of critical-thinking and of inquiring within the scientific scope what they learn. Besides this, learning environment should be organized in a way that students will encourage to research and examine. 6. In geography teaching, students should be allowed to link and construct their prior knowledge with knowledge which they have newly learned. 7. Students should be made to acquire critical-thinking skills and scientific inquiry abilities. 8. In geography teaching, students should be made to encounter with the real life-problems and contradictory subjects at regular intervals and they should be encouraged to benefit from knowledge and skills which they have learned in solving problems which they have encountered. 9. Being permanent of the learning can be provided making the learning environment enjoyable. So, problems obstructing the learning are removed. That students follow this step helps them have confidence in learning and acquire higher-order skills. 10. If something is worth to learn, then it is worth to be celebrated, as well. Getting students motivated and feedbacks which are provided duly and promptly pave the way for the occurrence of permanent learning. 11. Teaching lesson through Quantum Learning method may not be adopted at the first stage by students who are having education according to current curriculum (teaching program). For this reason, all stages of Quantum Learning approach should be explained to students clearly. This learning approach requires beginning with basic level activities and continuing with intermediate and complex advanced level activities. Therefore, activities should be begun from basic level in geography teaching which is shaped through Quantum Learning Approach. But, over time, activities requiring more complicated and higher-order thinking skills that are appropriate for level of students and class should be planned. 12. Duration of lesson for activities carried out through Quantum Learning Approach should be planned very well by the teacher. Attendance of students who are not interested in subjects taught and activities carried out for the duration of the lesson should be ensured. Instead of education-training (teaching) activities of which preparation stage lasts for a long time, activities which will be able to be constructed and implemented in a shorter time should be included. 13. All members’ active attendance into each stage of the activity, who are in groups which are constituted to provide improving effective group interaction and sense of responsibility during the educationtraining process (within the scope of activities carried out), should be ensured. 14. Geography teachers should be trained on subjects, such as effective presentation, facilitating the learning and classroom management etc., so that an effective geography teaching through Quantum Learning Approach can be carried out. In conclusion, Quantum Learning offers environment and opportunity to the individuals for construction of knowledge that the individuals learn. This approach gains students’ academic and lifelong learning skills. Quantum Learning offers opportunities to geography teachers so that they would make it an enjoyable process by saving their lessons from being monotonous and would turn the classroom into a good learning environment.


Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem